CMSC 201, Computer Science I
Fall 2001
Sections 0301-0304
MW 2:00-3:15pm
Ms. Susan Mitchell
CMSC 201 Homepage
Adding This Course
Course Prerequisites
- CMSC 104 (or equivalent programming experience)
- MATH 150 (grade of C or better)
- You are required to read the syllabus
for this class (it is on the Web)
- Please do so immediately so that
you are well-informed regarding course content, policies, and guidelines.
CMSC Gateway Warning
If you started UMBC for the first time in Summer 1998 or later you
are under the "CMSC Gateway" and must complete CMSC 201 and CMSC 202
with a grade of B or better. Because of the registrar's rules
regarding class sequences, students who receive a C in CMSC 201
must retake CMSC 201 before taking CMSC 202. If you choose not
to retake CMSC 201 or do not retake it before taking CMSC 202,
you cannot graduate as a computer science major.
- Attendance: You are expected to attend all
lectures and discussions and to attend the
sections in which you are enrolled for both
lecture and discussion. You may attend
another lecture section in addition to yours if
you wish.
- E-mail: I receive hundreds of e-mail during the
semester and do my best to respond in a timely
manner. But do not expect a response on
weekends, holidays, or late in the evening.
- Final Exam:
- Monday, December 17, 1:00-3:00pm
- Put this on your calendar now.
- I have no plans to give any early or makeup final exams,
so plan accordingly.