UMBC CMSC 201 Fall '00 CSEE | 201 | 201 F'00 | lectures | news | help 

CMSC 201
Design of Project Five
Meals Design

Out: Monday 11/27/00
Due: Before Midnight, Sunday 12/03/00

The Purpose

The objective of this assignment is to make sure that you begin thinking about your project in a serious way early. This will not only give you experience doing design work, but will help you anticipate the number of hours that you'll need to set aside to be able to complete the project.

The Assignment

Design project five, using top down design. This process should be similar to the process we followed in class when we designed project 1 together.

What to Turn In

You are to write the function prototypes for each of the functions you plan to have in your project. For this exercise, you must include the names of the parameters in the prototypes, not just their types. Each prototype should have a full function header comment above it as shown in the C Coding Standards and with a description of what the function does.

You are to specify the data structures used in this project. In particular, you must define the structure (give the actual C struct) you will use to hold the food item data for each food in the input file and any other structs you plan to define.
You should also indicate the major data storage used in your program.
For example, "I will have a 2-dimensional array of ints named .... that is used to ...... and is indexed by....",
or "I will have an array of floats named .... that contains ...." or "I will use a structure named .... to store information about.....".
There may of course be more than one such data structure in your program.

In addition to the prototypes and data descriptions, you should have one large comment that consists of two or three paragraphs explaining your design. This explanation should be sufficient so that one of the lecturers could draw a block diagram of function calls from it (like the one we did in class for project 1).

This design document MUST be called design5.txt

Why and How Much Does This Count

This design5.txt file will count as 10% of your project 5 grade. If this file is not submitted by its due date, or if you submit a new version after its due date, you will lose all 10 points.

Your design5.txt file will be compared to the header file or files that you submit when project 5 is due. Minor changes to the design are allowed. A minor change might be the addition of another parameter to a function's parameter list, or the addition of another function or two. Many changes like those described will be considered major.

If there were major changes between the design document and the header files that are part of the final project, you will lose 5 points. This would indicate that you didn't give sufficient thought to your design before beginning the implementation.

Submitting the Design File

To submit your design document, type the following at the Unix prompt. Note that the project name starts with uppercase 'P'.

submit cs201 Proj5 design5.txt

To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the following command at the Unix prompt. It will show all files that you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.

submitls cs201 Proj5

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