NOTE: This is only a sample to give you
an idea of what to expect. The point distributions on the actual grading form
will be different. Grading forms are designed specifically for each project.
CMSC 201 : Computer Science I (Fall 'xx)
Project #1 (Grade Point Average)
Due: October 7th, before midnight
SSN : 123-45-6789
Section # : 000
Submit date and time: Sat Oct 8 15:38:22 EDT 1997
5 points - Compiles/links with warnings
50 points - Compiler error
10 points - run-time error after complete output
25 points - other run-time error
Specific points values for Project 1:
5 points - All variables except gpa and semester are integers, as per
5 points - Use of the sentinel -1 as per instructions.
5 points - Correct results for program totals
-5 5 points - gpa is calculated correctly (doesn't do integer division)
5 points - gpa expressed to 3 decimal places.
15 points - Awarded automatically for a working program.
5 points - Working repeated input checking for credit range 1-6 and -1
sentinel (single instead of repeated check is worth 2 points)
5 points - Working repeated input checking for grade range 0-4
(single instead of repeated check is worth 2 points)
5 points - Use of adequate whitespace
5 points - Indentation of comments evenly with the surrounding code
-5 5 points - Use of either Student or Bell Labs indentation style
as per 201 web pages
-5 5 points - Use of meaningful variable names
5 points - Use of naming conventions per CS201 Style sheet, as per
201 web pages
5 points File has a file header comment
2 points Filename given in file header comment
2 points Author's name given in file header comment
2 points Date written given in file header comment
4 points Adeq. file/prog. descrip. given in file header comment
5 points Adequate descriptive comments within the code
5 points Miscellaneous
Extra Credit
+3 1-10 points At the discretion of the grader for one or more of
a. Outstanding documentation
b. Efficient or clever algorithm
c. Well-concieved, general, flexible design
Pts. lost: -12
Score: 88/100
- When GPA was calculated, integer division was performed giving an incorrect
- Use indentation of 3 or 4 spaces, 8 is unacceptable
- a and b are not meaningful variable names, use points and credits
- Good documentation !
Late Penalty: 10
Final Score: 78