• Announcements
  • 11/30/00 -- See imporant message about project 5
  • Midterm review questions
    The list of review questions for the midterm is now available. The midterm is Monday 10/30 or Tuesday 10/31 during your normal class time.

  • More Peer-to-Peer Classes
    Office of Information Technology ( announces Peer-to-Peer classes in computer basics.
    All classes to be held in ECS 025, except as noted
    Wednesday 10/4 4:00 - 5:30pm Basic unix + xemacs (ECS 104A)
    Sunday 10/8 4:00 - 5:30pm Basic unix + xemacs (ECS 104A)
    Monday 10/9 5:30 - 6:30pm Intro to email at UMBC
    Tuesday 10/10 5:30 - 7:30pm Web page creation with html editing
    Thursday 10/12 5:30 - 7:30pm Creating web pages with Netscape Composer

  • We are presenting two optional labs this semester for students who haven't had much practice with the unix system, the xemacs editor, and the cc compiler. The first lab, which is offered this week on Tues 9/19 and Wed 9/20, covers simple error messages produced by the cc compiler. The same material will be offered on both evenings, so you have a choice of which evening to attend. Previous 104 or 201 students should have no reason to attend. The special labs will be offered from 8 - 8:50 PM in ECS 336. Here is the exercise we'll be doing this week, Lab #1 - Simple error messages

    We will be offering another optional lab covering more complicated errors next week at the same time in the same place. Check under discussions next week to view next week's exercise.

  • Peer-to-Peer Classes - Presented by the Office of Information Technology (OIT)
    Office of Information Technology ( announces Peer-to-Peer classes in computer basics.
    All classes to be held in ECS 025.
    Monday 9/18 4:00 - 5:00pm Intro to Netscape
    Tuesday 9/19 4:00 - 6:00pm Intro to Unix and AFS
    Wednesday 9/20 11:30 - 12:30pm Intro to myUMBC
    Thursday 9/21 4:00 - 5:00pm Intro to Windows in the labs
    Thursday 9/21 5:00 - 6:00pm Intro to Netscape
    Sunday 9/24 2:00 - 4:00pm Intro to pico & emacs
    Monday 9/25 4:00 - 6:00pm Making Webpages with Netascap Composer
    Tuesday 9/26 4:00 - 6:00pm Intro to Unix and AFS
    Tuesday 9/26 6:00 - 7:00pm Intro to Netscape
    Wednesday 9/27 11:30 - 12:30pm Intro to Netscape
    Wednesday 9/27 12:30 - 1:30pm Intro to myUMBC

  • Tutorials - Presented by the UMBC Linux Users' Group
    The UMBC-LUG is presenting a series of tutorials that may be extremely useful to many of you. All of the presentations are scheduled to be in ECS 104 on Monday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 PM at the time of this notice. Here is the schedule of the tutorial topics. ========================== UMBC-LUG Tutorial Schedule ========================== Date Instructor Course title ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ Sept 18 Ray, etc. Intro to Unix for CS majors Sept 25 Jeff Intro to Emacs Oct 02 Daniel Intro to vim Oct 09 ??? Compiling and Makefiles (Yom Kippur, btw) Oct 16 Greg Debugging (gdb, dbx) Oct 23 Peter Advanced Emacs Oct 30 Greg Advanced Debugging Nov 06 To Be Determined Nov 13 To Be Determined Nov 20 To Be Determined Nov 27 To Be Determined
  • .emacs
    EMACS -- when emacs (or xemacs) begins, it looks for and reads a file named .emacs in your home directory to obtain configuration information. Save this .emacs file (note the leading "dot") in your Unix home directory to get the following features:
    • Automtic formatting in accordance with the CS201 coding style standard
    • A working backspace key. Backspace will now delete to the left of the cursor instead of invoking "help". It also remaps CTL-X? to be the new "help" key.

    The .emacs file is publicly available in the directory


    To copy the file, 'cd' to your home directory and type the command

    cp /afs/ . Don't forget the dot (.) at the end... it means copy the file to the current directory.


  • Newsgroups
  • There is a newsgroup for this course, which provides a open forum in which anyone can post messages of interest to the CMSC 201 community. You should learn how to read news and subscribe to the newsgroup umbc.course.csee201 While you are at it, subscribe to the umbc.csee newsgroup which carries announcements of the CSEE Department, information about the department, and computer and information technology in general. When you subscribe to these groups, spend some time looking through the titles of other newsgroups. I'm sure there are other groups that you may find interesting.

    There are serveral newsreaders available on gl. The most commonly used are: rn, trn, xrn, pine and Netscape. Since rn, trn, and xrn were designed specifically to read news, you will find that they are more powerful than either pine or Netscape for reading and posting. xrn is the xwindows version of rn and it is only available on workstations that run xwindows (the SGIs). Investigate some of these newsreaders so that you can choose the newsreader you prefer.

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