CMSC 104
Homework 1
Homework 1 is due Tuesday June 2 at the beginning
of class. Late homeworks will NOT be accepted.
- Convert each of the following binary representations to its equivalent
decimal form:
a. 101010
b. 100001
c. 10111
d. 0110
- Convert each of the following decimal representations to its equivalent
binary form:
- Convert each of the following binary representations to its equivalent
base 10 form:
a. 11.01
b. 101.111
c. 10.1
d. 0.101
- Express the following values in binary notation:
a. 4 1/2
b. 2 3/4
c. 1 1/8
d. 5 5/8
- Perform the following additions in binary notation:
a. 11011 b. 1010.001 c. 11111
+ 1100 + 1.101 + 1
------ --------- ------
- Use hexadecimal notation to represent the following bit patterns:
a. 0110 1010 1111 0010
b. 1110 1000 0101 0101 0001 0111
c. 0100 1000
- What bit patterns are represented by the following hexadecimal patterns ?