CMSC104, Summer 2004

Programming Project 3

Checking Account

Out: Thursday, July 8, 2004
Due: Thursday, July 15, 2004 before midnight

The Objective

This project is designed to give you practice working with functions. It will give you also give you more practice working with while loops and switch statments.

The Background

Most people keep their money in a checking account. There are two basic operations performed on the checking accout. One operation is to deposit money into the account and the other is to make a withdrawal from the account.

The Task

Your job is to write a program that will simulate the behavior of a checking account. You program should accept a beginning balance from the user and then display a menu with four options. The menu should have the four options shown in the sample output below. The functions you will write, in addition to the main function, are:

More Details

Sample Output

linux3[1]% a.out

[Your greeting goes here.]

Please enter the beginning balance: 100.00
The beginning balance must be greater than or equal to 500.00.
Please enter the beginning balance again: 1000.00

1)  Make a Withdrawal
2)  Make a Deposit
3)  Display Account Summary
4)  Quit

Selection:  1
Enter the amount to withdrawal:  500.00

1)  Make a Withdrawal
2)  Make a Deposit
3)  Display Account Summary
4)  Quit

Selection:  1
Enter the amount to withdrawal:  100.00

****** Warning: Below minimum required balance ******

1)  Make a Withdrawal
2)  Make a Deposit
3)  Display Account Summary
4)  Quit

Selection:  3

                  Account Summary

Beginning balance: $1000.00
   Ending balance: $400.00

Total number of withdrawals:   2
Total number of deposits:      0

1)  Make a Withdrawal
2)  Make a Deposit
3)  Display Account Summary
4)  Quit

Selection:  2
Enter the amount to deposit:  500.00

1)  Make a Withdrawal
2)  Make a Deposit
3)  Display Account Summary
4)  Quit

Selection:  3

                  Account Summary

Beginning balance: $1000.00
   Ending balance: $900.00

Total number of withdrawals:   2
Total number of deposits:      1

1)  Make a Withdrawal
2)  Make a Deposit
3)  Display Account Summary
4)  Quit

Selection:  4


Submitting the Program

Here is a sample submission command. Note that the project name starts with uppercase 'P'.

submit cs104 Proj3 proj3.c

To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the following command at the Unix prompt. It will show the file that you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.

submitls cs104 Proj3