CMSC 104, Summer 2002
Homework 3
Due Date:
Midnight, Wednesday June 19
Note: No late projects will be accepted.
The Objective
- To learn to use the gcc compiler
- To become familiar with syntax error messages generated by the gcc
The Task
Submitting the Program
Your C source code file MUST be called hw3.c
To submit your project, type the following at the Unix prompt.
Note that the project name starts with uppercase
submit cs104 HW3 hw3.c
To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the following command at the Unix prompt. It will
show the file that you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.
submitls cs104 HW3
The Program
** Filename: hw3.c
** Author: put your name here
** Date Written: 6/17/02
** SSN: put your SSN here (last 4 digits only is OK)
** Section: put your section here
** E-mail: put your umbc e-mail address here
** Description: This program asks the user to enter integers,
** one at a time, until the user enters a zero.
** The largest integer is computed and displayed.
int main()
int number; /* integer entered by the user */
int largest; /* largest entered read */
/* Prompt the user for an integer and read it */
/* Initialize the largest integer */
printf("Please input an integer, 0 to end: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
largest = number;
/* Continue to prompt and read until a zero is read */
/* Keep track of the largest integer entered */
while (number != 0)
if (largest < number)
largest = number;
printf("Please input an integer, 0 to end: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
/* Display the largest integer entered */
if(largest == 0)
printf("\nYou quit right away! No integer to ");
printf(" display!");
printf("\nThe largest integer entered was %d.\n", largest);
return 0;