CMSC 104, Spring 2011
Exam 1 Topic Outline
Topics to be covered in Exam 1:
- Architecture
- Components: CPU, bus, memory (RAM), secondary storage, I/O
- Bits, bytes, words
- Number Systems
- Decimal, binary, hexadecimal, octal
- Converting decimal to binary, binary to decimal
- What is an Operating System (OS)?
- Linux vs. Windows
- GUIs vs. command-line interfaces
- Directory trees
- Files, directories, subdirectories
- Root, absolute paths, relative paths, '.' and '..'
- Home directory, current directory
- Common Linux commands
- Wildcards
- I/O redirection
- Algorithms
- Definition of an algorithm
- Key elements of definition:
- "finite", "unambiguous", "executable",
- Euclid's Greatest Common Denominator algorithm
- Syntax vs. Semantics
- Specific vs. generic algorithms
- Flowcharts: what are they?
- Pseudocode
- Control structures:
- Sequence
- Selection
- Repetition