Circle the word TRUE or the word FALSE. If neither is circled, both are circled, or it impossible to tell which is circled, your answer is considered wrong.
is equivalent to count = count + 1;
keyword is used to
define a function.
Circle the letter of the best choice.
PrintGreeting();how many arguments does the function have?
[a.] 1
[b.] 0
[c.] 2
[d.] none of the above
[a.] tells the browser how to use the function.
[b.] gives information about the function to the person reading the code.
[c.] is necessary for the program to run.
[d.] all of the above.
var a = 3, b = 17 ; a = b % a ; b = ++a + 5 ; alert("a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
[a.] a = 3, b = 8
[b.] a = 2, b = 7
[c.] a = 3, b = 7
[d.] a = 2, b = 8
[e.] None of the above.
test = 1 ; if (test = 2) { alert("Beam down the landing party.\n") ; } else if (test == 1) { alert("Jim, he's dead.\n") ; } else if (test == 0) { alert("Scotty, four to beam up.\n") ; }
[a.] Beam down the landing party.
[b.] Jim, he's dead.
[c.] Scotty, four to beam up.
[d.] No output is produced
[a.] alert (x.toFixed(1));
[b.] alert (toFixed(x) = 1);
[c.] alert (x.toFixed(x));
[d.] alert (toFixed(1));
[a.] z = y + (x + 1);
[b.] z = ++x + y;
[c.] z = y + x++;
[d.] none of the above
[a.] total = total - x--;
[b.] total -= --x;
[c.] total -= (x - 1);
[d.] none of the above
[a.] total = total + x--;
[b.] total += --x;
[c.] total += (x - 1);
[d.] none of the above
[a.] high = 24 and low = 4
[b.] high = 24 and low = 8
[c.] high = 19 and low = 4
[d.] high = 19 and low = 8
[a.] 0
[b.] 10
[c.] 9
[d.] 1
[a.] \n
[b.] /n
[c.] enter
[d.] <br />
[a.] a = 14 and b = 2
[b.] a = 16 and b = 2
[c.] a = 14 and b = 4
[d.] a = 16 and b = 4
that returns the sum of
two numbers, where the numbers, num1
and num2
are passed to it.
that takes three arguments, x
, y
and z
and returns the smallest of the three
arguments. You can assume x
, y
and z
are numbers.
that takes three number
parameters n1, n2, and n3
and returns the value of the
average of the three.
that will print a
rectangle made up of any character passed to it. Here is the prototype:
function PrintBox (rows, columns, ch)This call to PrintBox,
PrintBox(3, 10, "$");
$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
GPA range | Student Rating |
3.50 - 4.0 | Dean's list |
2.0 - 3.49 | Satisfactory |
1.0 - 1.99 | Probation |
0.0 - 0.99 | Suspended |
Determine the output generated by the following code segments, assuming the surrounding program code (whatever it is) compiles correctly.
alert ("JavaScript\nis\nfun.");
var a = 2, b = 3; b *= a; a += b++; alert (a + " " + b);
var a = 5, b = 4; b += a; a -= ++b; document.write (a + " " + b);
var n = 1234; while (n > 0) { document.write(n + "<br />"); n /= 10; n = Math.floor(n); }
var m; for (m = 1; m <= 5; m++) { switch (m) { case 1: document.write ("one"); break; case 2: document.write ("two"); break; case 3: document.write ("three"); break; default: document.write ("Default case"); } document.write ("<br />"); }
<head> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function X (m) { document.write("In function X: " + m + "<br />"); return (m + 2); } //--> </script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var r; r = X(5); document.write("After the call to function X: " + r); //--> </script>