CMSC104, Spring 2006

Programming Project 2

Restaurant Helper 1.0 Beta

Out: Thursday, April 6, 2006
Due: Thursday, April 20, 2006 before 11:59 p.m.

The Objective

This project is designed to give you practice with while loops, nested for loops, switch statements and character input.

The Task

When eating a meal in a restaurant, it is inevitable that the check will come and some questions will arise. How much should I tip? Or even worse, when dining with a group, how much should each person pay? A popular software company has decided to develop a product to help people in this difficult situation. You have been asked to develop the beta version of the software. Your software should allow the user to print out a handy table to help determine the tip, add a tip to the total, and also split the check.

Specific Details

Sample Output

linux1[23]% gcc -ansi -Wall proj2.c
linux1[24]% a.out
Your greeting goes here.
Please enter the total check amount: 5
The total must be between 10.00 and 100.00
Please enter the total check amount: 150
The total must be between 10.00 and 100.00
Please enter the total check amount: 100
P - Print the tip table
A - Add the tip
S - Split the check
E - Enter a new total check amount
Q - Quit
Enter your menu selection: P
   Tip Calcuation Table

Amount     15%    20%    25%
    10    1.50   2.00   2.50
    15    2.25   3.00   3.75
    20    3.00   4.00   5.00
    25    3.75   5.00   6.25
    30    4.50   6.00   7.50
    35    5.25   7.00   8.75
    40    6.00   8.00  10.00
    45    6.75   9.00  11.25
    50    7.50  10.00  12.50
    55    8.25  11.00  13.75
    60    9.00  12.00  15.00
    65    9.75  13.00  16.25
    70   10.50  14.00  17.50
    75   11.25  15.00  18.75
    80   12.00  16.00  20.00
    85   12.75  17.00  21.25
    90   13.50  18.00  22.50
    95   14.25  19.00  23.75
   100   15.00  20.00  25.00

P - Print the tip table
A - Add the tip
S - Split the check
E - Enter a new total check amount
Q - Quit
Enter your menu selection: A
Enter the tip: 20.00
The total amount of your bill with tip included is $120.00.
P - Print the tip table
A - Add the tip
S - Split the check
E - Enter a new total check amount
Q - Quit
Enter your menu selection: S
How many ways would you like to split the check? 2
If you split the check 2 ways, each person should pay $60.00.
P - Print the tip table
A - Add the tip
S - Split the check
E - Enter a new total check amount
Q - Quit
Enter your menu selection: E
Enter a new total amount: 20.50

P - Print the tip table 
A - Add the tip
S - Split the check
E - Enter a new total check amount
Q - Quit
Enter your menu selection: P

   Tip Calcuation Table
Amount     15%    20%    25%
    10    1.50   2.00   2.50
    15    2.25   3.00   3.75
    20    3.00   4.00   5.00
    25    3.75   5.00   6.25
    30    4.50   6.00   7.50
    35    5.25   7.00   8.75
    40    6.00   8.00  10.00
    45    6.75   9.00  11.25
    50    7.50  10.00  12.50
    55    8.25  11.00  13.75
    60    9.00  12.00  15.00
    65    9.75  13.00  16.25
    70   10.50  14.00  17.50
    75   11.25  15.00  18.75
    80   12.00  16.00  20.00
    85   12.75  17.00  21.25
    90   13.50  18.00  22.50
    95   14.25  19.00  23.75
   100   15.00  20.00  25.00
P - Print the tip table
A - Add the tip
S - Split the check
E - Enter a new total check amount
Q - Quit
Enter your menu selection: A
Enter the tip: 4.00
The total amount of your bill with tip included is $24.50.
A - Add the tip
P - Print the tip table
S - Split the check
E - Enter a new total check amount
Q - Quit
Enter your menu selection: Q
I hope you enjoyed your meal!!

Submitting the Program

Here is a sample submission command. Note that the project name starts with uppercase 'P'.

submit cs104 Proj2 proj2.c

To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the following command at the Unix prompt. It will show the file that you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.

submitls cs104 Proj2