CMSC104Problem Solving and Computer Programming |
This program will prompt the user for ten tempuratures. You must sort the tempuratures in the array in ascending order. Then calculate and display the average and median tempurature. Finally, print out the array (which is now in ascending order). Make sure that all tempuratures are in the range of -50 to 125, inclusive. If the user enters an invalid tempurature, make the user re-enter it until it is correct.
burt[123]: proj5/a.out Enter a tempurature: -115 The tempurature must be in the range of -50 to 125. Please re-enter. Enter a tempurature: -234 The tempurature must be in the range of -50 to 125. Please re-enter. Enter a tempurature: 159 The tempurature must be in the range of -50 to 125. Please re-enter. Enter a tempurature: 8 Enter a tempurature: 44 Enter a tempurature: -34 Enter a tempurature: 90 Enter a tempurature: 17 Enter a tempurature: 1 Enter a tempurature: -1 Enter a tempurature: 124 Enter a tempurature: -49 Enter a tempurature: 88 The average is 28.80 The median temperature is 17 -49 -34 -1 1 8 17 44 88 90 124 burt[124]:
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Documentation | 25 points |
Correct Results | 25 points |
Correct Sytle | 25 points |
Other | 25 points |
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/*****************************************************/ /* Program Header Block */ /* Filename: jdoe2p5.c */ /* Name: Ima Student */ /* Email: */ /* Date: 11 May 2005 */ /* Course/section: CMSC-104/0501 */ /* Description: */ /* Analysis: */ /* Input: */ /* Output: */ /* Constraints: */ /* Formulas: */ /* Assumptions: */ /* Design: */ /* (Your psuedocode goes here.) */ /* */ /* Notes: (As needed.) */ /*****************************************************/
/*********************************************************** * Function name: function_name * * Description: (Your function psuedocode goes here) * * Input Parameters: Name and data type of each parameter. * * Return Value: Data type and description of what * * the return value is. * ***********************************************************/