CMSC104Problem Solving and Computer Programming |
A company is giving raises to all of its salaried employees. Someone who earns less than $2000 per month receives a raise of $150 a month, and an employee with a monthly salary between $2000 and $5000 earns an additional $250 per month. We want to write a program to read a person's current monthly salary and to print the new salary.
You are to use functions to implement the following structure chart.
Each subtask will be implemented as a function. The function instructions() prints the opening instructions to the user. readSalary() prompts the user for a salary and returns the information. outOfRange() return TRUE (1) if the salary is negative or greater than $5000. Then newSalary() return the new salary based on the current salary.
You will name your functions as shown on the chart The four major subtasks are to show the user the instructions on how to use the program, get the user's input from the keyboard, check to see if it is out of range and final compute the new salary. This program will allow the user to any any number of salaries. The user will be prompted for more information, until the user enters a -1 as a sentinel value. You must do error checking on all inputs. When printing out all salarys,
This program interactively reads a monthly salary and comutes a new montly salara.l If the salary is less than $2000.00 a month, the rasie is $150.00 a month. If the salarya is between $2000.00 and $5000.00 a month, the raise is $250 a month.Enter 0.0 to exit the program. Type a montly salary between $0.01 and $5000.00 Do not use the dollar sign or commas. Enter 0.0 to exit the program. 4000.00 The new salary is $4250.00 Type a montly salary between $0.01 and $5000.00 Do not use the dollar sign or commas. Enter 0.0 to exit the program. 1500.00 The new salary is $1650.00 Type a montly salary between $0.01 and $5000.00 Do not use the dollar sign or commas. Enter 0.0 to exit the program. 2000.00 The new salary is $ 2250.00 Type a montly salary between $0.01 and $5000.00 Do not use the dollar sign or commas. Enter 0.0 to exit the program. 0.0
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Documentation | 25 points |
Correct Results | 25 points |
Correct Sytle | 25 points |
Other | 25 points |
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/*****************************************************/ /* Program Header Block */ /* Filename: jdoe2p4.c */ /* Name: Ima Student */ /* Email: */ /* Date: 11 May 2006 */ /* Course/section: CMSC-104 */ /* Description: */ /* Analysis: */ /* Input: */ /* Output: */ /* Constraints: */ /* Formulas: */ /* Assumptions: */ /* Design: */ /* (Your psuedocode goes here.) */ /* */ /* Notes: (As needed.) */ /*****************************************************/
/*********************************************************** * Function name: function_name * * Description: (Your function psuedocode goes here) * * Input Parameters: Name and data type of each parameter. * * Return Value: Data type and description of what * * the return value is. * ***********************************************************/