CMSC 104 -- Spring 2005
Problem Solving and Computer Programming
Sections 0301 & 0401
Ms. Dawn Block
Course Information
- Recent Announcements [archive]:
- 05/22 -- This is a correction to the previous
announcement. Section 0301 will meet in Lecture Hall 5 for the final
exam (it's in the same building where we have labs). Also, my office
hours for Monday, 5/22, will be from 1 - 3.
- 05/15 -- I will have office hours on Thursday,
5/18 from 12pm to 2pm. Also, please note the exam time for your
Section 0401 5/24 10:30am - 12:30pm
Section 0301 5/24 1:00pm - 3:00pm.
Section 0401will be held in the classroom, ITE 227. Section
0301 will be held in Lecture Hall 5.
- Contact Information
- Lecture Transparencies
- Course Schedule
- Syllabus
- Homeworks and Projects
- Exams
Student Resources
Last Modified: