Summary of the "C" language
Includes the ANSI STD features
104 | current 104 |
Based on:
" C The Complete Reference " by Herbert Schildt, McGraw-Hill
" Standard C " by Plauger & Brodie
"American National Standard ANSI X.3.159-1998"
Program Structure:
The "main" function and one or more other functions may be in a file.
There are no procedures, a function may be used like a procedure with
the function return value, if any, just ignored. Files are compiled
with the C compiler that can produce an executable file.
Some typical file structures:
int main() /* This could be a complete program
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include ... more header files from which definitions are needed
global and/or external declarations and/or type definitions
int main() /* main function and other functions */
{ /* in same file */
return 0;
void function_1( int i, double x, more_parameters )
/* function definitions can NOT be nested */
/* flat name space, make all function names unique */
/* no return needed at end of function when return tyoe is 'void' */
some_type function_2( void )
return something-of-some_type;
} /* as many functions as desired */
#include <stdio.h>
/* a main function that can get command line arguments */
global and/or external declarations
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* argc, the number of command line items */
/* argv, command line items including calling name as [0] */
Executable statements:
Statements end with a semicolon or brace. A compound statement
may be made from a sequence of statements by enclosing them in
{ statement_1 ; statement_2 ; statement_3 ; }
is a statement but usually
{ /* make code readable, one statement per line. */
Assignment statements
x = 10;
x = x+1;
++x; /* same as x = x+1; */
x++; /* same as x = x+1; sets a false flag to true */
--x; /* same as x = x-1; decrements x then uses value*/
x--; /* same as x = x-1; uses x then decrements value*/
x = x+20;
x += 20; /* same as x = x+20; add */
x -= 20; /* same as x = x-20; subtract */
x *= 20; /* same as x = x*20; multiply */
x /= 20; /* same as x = x/20; divide */
x %= 20; /* same as x = x%20; modulo */
x <<= 2; /* same as x = x<<2; shift left */
x >>= 2; /* same as x = x>>2; shift right */
x &= 20; /* same as x = x&20; bit by bit and*/
x ^= 20; /* same as x = x^20; bit by bit exclusive or */
x |= 20; /* same as x = x|20; bit by bit or */
x = (y=3,y++); /* same as y=3; x=y; y=y+1; */
x = who ? 3 : y; /* same as if(who)x=3; else x=y; */
y = sin(x) ; /* function call use #include <math.h> */
x = mat[i][j] ; /* subscripting two dimensional array */
Function call with return ignored:
go_do_it(); /* actual parameters are optional */
exit(0); /* special function that terminates execution */
Unconditional branches:
break; /* immediate exit from loop or switch */
continue; /* immediate jump to end of loop ( not exit ) */
/* also used to exit a switch in a loop */
return; /* immediate exit from function, no value */
return exp; /* exit from function returning value of exp */
goto label; /* unconditional jump */
label: statement; /* label definition */
Conditional branching:
if ( condition ) statement ; /* basic form of if statement */
if ( condition ) statement ;
else statement_2 ; /* optional else clause */
if ( condition_1 )
if ( condition_2 ) statement ;
else statement_2 ; /* else belongs to closest previous if */
if ( expression ) /* condition may be any expression */
{ /* zero value is false, non zero is true */
statement_sequence /* { } may enclose sequence of statements */
{ /* it is good to use braces, safer for */
statement_sequence /* updates to code later. */
if-else-if ladder structure (must be space in 'else if')
if(exp_1) /* the first expression that is true, e.g. exp_i */
statement_1; /* causes statement_i to be executed */
else if(exp_2) /* then jump to end after statement_n */
else if(exp_3)
statement_n; /* executed if no exp_i was true, else skipped */
Switch statement
switch ( expression ) /* constants must be unique */
case constant_1: /* do nothing for this case */
case constant_2: /* drop through and do same as constant_3*/
case constant_3:
statement_sequence /* can have but does not need { } */
case constant_4:
statement_sequence /* does this and next */
/* statement_sequence also*/
case constant_5:
default: /* default executes if no constant equals*/
statement_sequence /* the expression. This is optional */
Iteration statements
for ( initialization ; condition ; increment ) statement ;
/* The flow sequence is : */
/* initialization */
/* test condition and exit if false */
/* statement */
/* increment */
/* loop back to test condition */
while ( condition ) statement ; /* keep repeating statement until the */
/* condition is false, zero. This is */
/* classical C thinking, rather than saying*/
/* keep repeating while condition is true*/
do /* another form of the 'while statement'*/
{ /* always execute once before testing */
} while ( condition ) ; /* test for finished at the end, all */
/* other loops test first */
for(;;) statement; /* infinite loop, break; can get out */
/* return and exit() can also get out */
while(1) statement; /* another form of infinite loop */
/* this version is called an endless */
/* and must have something else to */
/* terminate the loop */
in all iteration statements, break; causes an immediate exit from loop
continue; causes an immediate increment
Function definition
Function Prototype
type function_name(type_1 var_1, type_2 var_2,...);
/* e.g. double sin(double x); */
/* char * strcpy(char * s1, const char * s2); */
/* causes the compile to do type checking */
/* const says s2 is an 'in' parameter */
/* a prefix of static makes the function visible only in this file */
Function Definition
type function_name(int a, float b, const char * ch,...)
{ function_body }
/* only parameters passed by address can are modified*/
/* in the calling function, local copy can be modified*/
char * strcpy( char * s1, const char * s2 ) { statements }
type function_name(a, b) /* older form of definition, DO NOT USE ! */
int a;
float b;
{ function_body } /* same as combined parameters above */
example of a function and call passing the address of a scalar
void func(int *num)
*num *= *num; /* square num back in its place */
} ...
func(&i); /* call, passing address of i, the lvalue of i */
Reserved words
Like everything else, must be lower case. (exactly 32 reserved words)
term | Description |
auto | optional local declaration |
break | used to exit loop and used to exit switch |
case | choice in a switch |
char | basic declaration of a type character |
const | prefix declaration meaning variable can not be changed |
continue | go to bottom of loop in for, while and do loops |
default | optional last case of a switch |
do | executable statement, do-while loop |
double | basic declaration double precision floating point |
else | executable statement, part of "if" structure |
enum | basic declaration of enumeration type |
extern | prefix declaration meaning variable is defined externally |
float | basic declaration of floating point |
for | executable statement, for loop |
goto | jump within function to a label |
if | executable statement |
int | basic declaration of integer |
long | prefix declaration applying to many types |
register | prefix declaration meaning keep variable in register |
return | executable statement with or without a value |
short | prefix declaration applying to many types |
signed | prefix declaration applying to some types |
sizeof | operator applying to variables and types, gives size in bytes |
static | prefix declaration to make local variable static |
struct | declaration of a structure, like a record |
switch | executable statement for cases |
typedef | creates a new type name for an existing type |
union | declaration of variables that are in the same memory locations |
unsigned | prefix declaration applying to some types |
void | declaration of a typeless variable |
volatile | prefix declaration meaning the variable can be changed at any time |
while | executable statement, while loop or do-while loop |
Declarations have the forms
basic_type variable ;
basic_type variable_1, variable_2=value; /* only initializes variable_2 */
prefix_type(s) basic_type modifier_type variable_1, variable_2 ,... ;
type variable[val][val]...[val]={data,data,...}; /*multidimensional array*/
struct struct_name { /* struct_name is optional */
type variable_1; /* any declaration */
type variable_2; /* all variable names must be unique*/
type variable;
} variable_1, variable_2, ... ; /* variables are optional */
struct struct_name { /* struct_name is optional */
type variable_1: length; /* any declaration : length in bits */
type variable_1: length; /* type is int, unsigned or signed */
type variable_n: length_n;
} variable_1, variable_2, ... ; /* variables are optional, they can */
/* also be arrays and pointers */
struct struct_name more_variables; /* struct_name becomes a type */
union union_name { /* union_name is optional */
type variable_1; /* variable_1 overlays variable_2 */
type variable_2;
type variable_n;
} variable_a, variable_b, ...; /* variables are optional */
union union_name variable ; /* use an existing union definition */
enum enum_type /* enum_name is optional */
{ enumeration_name_1, /* establishes enumeration literals */
enumeration_name_2=number, /* optional number, */
... /* default is 0, 1, 2, ... */
} variable, variable, ...; /* variables are optional */
enum enum_type variable; /* use an existing enum definition */
enum enum_type variable = enumeration_name;
typedef existing_type new_type_name ; /* e.g. typedef unsigned int size_t */
/* use dot notation to select a component of a struct or union */
Basic types
Type | Description |
char | character type, usually one byte ( a string is array of char ) |
int | integer type, usually 2 or 4 bytes ( default ) |
float | floating point type, usually 4 bytes |
double | floating point type, usually 8 bytes |
void | no type, typeless |
enum | enumeration type ( user defines the type name ) |
Type modifiers, prefix for basic types
Modifiers | Description |
signed | has a sign ( default ) |
unsigned | no sign bit in variable |
long | longer version of type (short or long alone means short int or |
short | shorter version of type long int because int is the default) |
const | variable can not be stored into |
Storage class, prefix for types
Prefix | Description |
auto | local variable ( default ) |
static | permanent when function exits, not auto |
volatile | can change from outside influence |
extern | variables are defined elsewhere, externally |
register | assign variable to register |
Modifier type
* makes variable a pointer
int i = 1000; /* allocate storage and initialize value to 1000 */
int *ptr; /* allocate storage for a pointer, garbage initially */
ptr = &i; /* ptr now points to i */
*ptr = 100; /* change value of i to 100 */
Samples of variable declarations
auto int xyz; /* int no longer is default */
unsigned long int pqr;
extern int global_stuff, remote_function();
register int quick;
void just_do_it(); /* called a function prototype */
char * ch; /* a pointer to a character */
char * argv[]; /* an array of strings */
struct account /* type definition for structure 'account' */
char name[20]; /* name is 19 characters and a null */
float bal;
unsigned int sex:1; /* sex needs only 1 bit but probably uses a word */
} person; /* person is a variable, object in memory */
struct account *p;
p=&person; /* p is pointer to person */
(*p).bal=100.00; /* older usage */
p->bal=100.00; /* better usage, means same as above */
Automatic setting of array size based on data
char msg[]="Set the size to correct length \n";
char *p="auto length";
char ary[3]="Element in an array of messages"; /* 3 items, 0,1 and 2 */
float matrix[][3]={1.,2.,3.,4,.5.,6.}; /* fills in blank with 6 */
float ***a; /* (a+10)[0][0][0] is a way to index 3 dimensional array*/
Getting storage
int *p;
p=(int *)malloc(50*sizeof(int)); /* or p=(int *)calloc(50*sizeof(int)); */
variable names | 1 to 32 characters including alphabetic, numeric and
underscore some_name ELSE Else z999 |
numbers | integer and floating point like in FORTRAN
1 12345 .1 1. 1.5E-20 |
octal and hexadecimal
01777 0x248fff
long decimal, octal and hexadecimal
123456789L 017777777L oxFFFFFFFFL
character | single character between apostrophes
plus special backslash codes
'a' 'Z' '\n' |
string | characters between quotes plus special backslash codes
a null is automatically placed at end of every string
"Hello" "good by \n" |
let exp, exp1, exp2, exp3 etc. stand for expressions
expressions are:
unary_operator expression
expression binary_operator expression
( expression )
variable post_operator ( ++ and -- )
operator precedence and associativity is
LR | ( ) [ ] -> . x++ x-- |
RL | ! ~ - + ++x --x * & sizeof (type) |
LR | * / % |
LR | + - |
LR | << >> |
LR | < <= > >= |
LR | == != |
LR | & |
LR | ^ |
LR | | |
LR | && |
LR | || |
RL | ? : |
RL | = += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ^= |= |
LR | , |
LR means associate left to right, RL means associate right to left
This is why a = b = c = 1; /* works, a,b and c get set to 1 */
But int a,b,c = 1; /* fails, only c gets set to 1 */
*p++ = -x->y; /* is ((*p)=(-(x->y)), p++) */
operator definitions :
( ) grouping parenthesis, function call
[ ] array indexing, also [ ][ ] etc.
-> selector, structure pointer employee->wage = 7.50 ;
. select structure element employee.wage = 7.50 ;
! relational not, complement, ! a yields true or false
~ bitwise not, ones complement, ~ a
++ increment, pre or post to a variable
-- decrement, pre or post to a variable
- unary minus, - a
+ unary plus, + a
* indirect, the value of a pointer, * p is value at pointer p address
& the memory address, & b is the memory address of variable b
sizeof size in bytes, sizeof a or sizeof (int)
(type) a cast, explicit type conversion, (float) i, (*fun)(a,b), (int*)x
* multiply, a * b
/ divide, a / b
% modulo, a % b
+ add, a + b
- subtract, a - b
<< shift left, left operand is shifted left by right operand bits
>> shift right, left operand is shifted right by right operand bits
< less than, result is true or false, a %lt; b
<= less than or equal, result is true or false, a <= b
> greater than, result is true or false, a > b
>= greater than or equal, result is true or false, a >= b
== equal, result is true or false, a == b
!= not equal, result is true or false, a != b
& bitwise and, a & b
^ bitwise exclusive or, a ^ b
| bitwise or, a | b
&& relational and, result is true or false, a < b && c >= d
|| relational or, result is true or false, a < b || c >= d
? exp1 ? exp2 : exp3 result is exp2 if exp1 != 0, else result is exp3
= store
+= add and store
-= subtract and store
*= multiply and store
/= divide and store
%= modulo and store
<<= shift left and store
>>= shift right and store
&= bitwise and and store
^= bitwise exclusive or and store
|= bitwise or and store
, separator as in ( y=x,z=++x )
zero evaluates to false ( a null pointer has a zero value )
non zero evaluates to true ( !null_pointer is true )
* is heavily overloaded, so is &
Backslash codes for in character constants and strings
These can be used as characters when enclosed in apostrophies
\a alert, audible alarm, bell, ^G
\b Backspace, ^H
\f Form feed, new page, ^L
\n New line, carriage return and line feed, ^M^J
\o Octal constant, \oddd, \ddd
\r Carriage return, no line feed, ^M
\t Horizontal tab, tab, ^I
\v Vertical tab, ^K
\x Hexadecimal constant, \xdd 0 <= d <= F
\0 null, zero value character, ^@
\" Quote character
\' Apostrophe character
\\ Backslash character
\? Question mark character
\ddd Octal character value 0 <= d <= 7
Format commands for printf() scanf() fprintf(), fscanf() sprintf() sscanf()
%c a single character, char
%d a decimal number, int %hd is for short %ld is for long
%e a floating point number, float in scientific notation, %E for 1.0E-3
%le is for double, %Le is for long double
%f a floating point number with decimal point %10.4f 10 wide .dddd
%lf is for double, %Lf is for long double
%g a floating point number, %f or %e as needed, %G for capital E
%lg is for double, %Lg is for long double
%h an unsigned hexadecimal short integer (scanf only), old usage
%i an integer, int %hi is for short int, %li is for long int
%n pointer to integer to receive number of characters so far, int *i
%o an unsigned octal number, unsigned int %ho and %lo for short and long
%p a pointer, void **x
%s a string ( must be null terminated ! ), use %s for scanf
%u an unsigned decimal integer (printf only), unsigned int %hu %lu
%x a hexadecimal number, %X for capital ABCDEF, unsigned int %hx %lx
[...] string, x[]
% none
Text may be around format characters for printf(), The list follows the
single quoted format string.
Output is right justified unless format %-s or %-10.4f is used.
%+... causes plus sign to be printed.
%* suppresses assignment, no store, in scanf().
%# converts value to alternate form.
Field is expanded if not enough room to print.
numeric data into scanf() must be separated by space, tab or newline, not
characters between % in scanf() format must be in input and are ignored
Preprocessor directives:
#include "mine.h" | search current working directory first |
#include <stdio.h> | search command line directory then system |
#define TRUE 1 | macro substitution, usually use capitals |
#define min(a,b) (a<b)?(a):(b) | macro substitution with parameters |
#define abs(a) (a<0)?(-(a)):(a) | macro substitution |
#define note /* comment */ | this comment gets inserted every time note appears */
backslash \ at end of a line means continue |
#undef TRUE | undefines a previously defined macroname |
#error | stop compiling at this point |
#if expression | conditional compilation, start if structure |
#elif expression | else if expression != 0 compile following code |
#else | else compile following code |
#endif | end of conditional compiling |
#ifdef macroname | like #if, compiles if macroname defined |
#ifndef | like #if, compiles if macroname undefined |
#line number [filename] | set origin for __LINE__ and __FILE__ |
#pragma | gives the compiler commands |