Since you are not at that percentage now, you will have to keep trying ages until you get there, so use a loop and keep adding one to both ages until you get to the goal.
You must use functions for the following:
What is your age? 20 What is yor parent's age: 40 When you are 60, you will be 75% of your parent's age.
/*****************************************************/ /* Program Header Block */ /* Filename: 6789prj2.c */ /* Name: Ima Student */ /* SSAN: 6789 */ /* Date: 6 April 2004 */ /* Course/section: CMSC-104/0101 */ /* Description: */ /* Analysis: */ /* Input: */ /* Output: */ /* Constraints: */ /* Formulas: */ /* Assumptions: */ /* Design: */ /* (Your psuedocode goes here.) */ /* */ /* Notes: (As needed.) */ /*****************************************************/
/*********************************************************** * Function name: function_name * * Description: (Your function psuedocode goes here) * * Input Parameters: Name and data type of each parameter. * * Return Value: Data type and description of what * * the return value is. * ***********************************************************/