Project 2

Due Date

17 March 2004

Requirements Specfication

Write a program that will ask the user for a dollar amount and then have the program tell the user how many dollars and how many coins that is. Name the source code file 6789prj2.c

Example Output

In the following example, the program displays what is in Blue and the user types what is in Red. Remember that this has to work for any positive dollar amount, so you must test the input to make sure it is a positive number.

Enter an amount of money: 9.48

9 Dollars
1 Quarter
2 Dimes
0 Nickels
3 Pennies

There will be five percent (5%) penalty if your program does not correctly prints out the singular or double form of the coin's name:

1 Quarter instead of 1 Quarters Notice that the UNIX prompt must be on the next line!

Turning in your homework

Once you have everything absolutely correct, you must use Blackboard to submit the project to the TA for grading. Do not email it to the instructor because you will lose points for not following instructions!

When submitting the assignment, I only want the file 6789prj2.c. Please make the title and the file name the same when you submit it! If you submit a file name 6789prj2.c, the way we save the material delete everything but the last file with than name. Therefore, your file will be lost and we will give you a zero!!!! Use the last four of your SSN, not 6789!!!


This project will be grade using the following scale:

Documentation 25 points
Correct Results25 points
Correct Sytle25 points
Other25 points

You will lose 5 points if you do not name the file correctly.
You will lose 5 points if you email the project instead of submitting it via Blackboard.
You will lose 5 points if the prompt is not on the next line.

Comments Required

/* Program Header Block                              */
/* Filename:       6789prj2.c                        */
/* Name:           Ima Student                       */
/* SSAN:           6789                              */
/* Date:           6 April 2004                      */
/* Course/section: CMSC-104/0101                     */
/* Description:                                      */
/*     Analysis:                                     */
/*         Input:                                    */
/*         Output:                                   */
/*         Constraints:                              */
/*         Formulas:                                 */
/*         Assumptions:                              */
/*     Design:                                       */
/*         (Your psuedocode goes here.)              */
/*                                                   */
/* Notes:          (As needed.)                      */