CMSC104Problem Solving and Computer ProgrammingSections 0101, 0201 and 0601 |
The formula for calculating distance is:
When outputting the values, only print one place past the decimal point, by making your printf statement use the following:
burt[153]: a.out Welcome. Calculate the height from which a grapefruit feel given the number of seconds that it was falling. Input seconds: 10 Time of fall = 10 seconds Distance of fall = 490.5 meters Velocity of the object = 98.1 m/s Normal termination. burt[108]:
burt[154]: a.out Welcome. Calculate the height from which a grapefruit feel given the number of seconds that it was falling. Input seconds: -1 Normal termination. burt[107]: a.out
Documentation | 25 points |
Correct Results | 25 points |
Correct Sytle | 25 points |
Other | 25 points |
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/*****************************************************/ /* Program Header Block */ /* Filename: 6789prj2.c */ /* Name: Ima Student */ /* SSAN: 6789 */ /* Date: 13 March 2003 */ /* Course/section: CMSC-104/0101 */ /* Description: */ /* Analysis: */ /* Input: */ /* Output: */ /* Constraints: */ /* Formulas: */ /* Assumptions: */ /* Design: */ /* (Your psuedocode goes here.) */ /* */ /* Notes: (As needed.) */ /*****************************************************/