News and Announcements
Note that items are posted in reverse chronological order (that is, from
most recent to oldest).
- Here is one solution to the Hollow Rectangle
problem that we did in class. It is in PowerPoint format.
(Posted Wednesday, 3/20)
- Here are some hints on using xemacs:
- To have xemacs display the line number that you are on as you scroll
through your file, 1) press Esc, 2) press the letter
3) type the word line
, and 4) press Enter. You should
now see the current line number on the black bar at the bottom of the
xemacs window.
- To move to a specific line number, 1) press Esc, 2) press the
, 3) type the line number you wish to move
to, and 4) press Enter.
(Posted Tuesday, 3/19)
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