CMSC 104, Spring 2002
Project 1
Due Date:
Midnight, Tuesday February 12
Note that late projects will NOT be accepted.
Point Value:
This project is worth 20 points
To become familiar with
- logging on to and off of the UMBC Linux system (,
- the basic use of the xemacs text editor, and
- the basic use of the pine e-mail system.
Note that this exercise is meant to be performed in the lab with the
assistance of your instructor and TA. However, if you do not finish, you
must finish on your own time.
- Log On to the Linux System
Log on to the Linux system as follows.
- Turn the PC on if it is not already on.
- Follow the instructions for logging in (typing in your user id
and password).
- You are logged in to the PC when you see the Windows desktop,
which is a greenish screen with several icons (small pictures) on it.
- Use the mouse to click on the Start button in the lower lefthand
corner of the screen.
- Click on the Run option of the menu that pops up.
- Type: telnet in the text box that appears and hit
the Enter key.
- You will then be asked to enter your user id and password.
- When you see the system prompt (linix1[#]% or linux2[#]% or
linux3[#]%), you are
logged in to the Linux system and ready to go!
- Use the xemacs Text Editor to Create an Autobiography
You will be using the xemacs text editor to create a file called
mybio.txt. The file will contain a brief autobiography about you
as follows:
- Begin by stating your name, major, and class standing (e.g., sophomore).
- Then write a paragraph or two telling me a little bit about yourself.
Tell me where you are from and why you chose UMBC for your education.
Tell me which programming languages you know, if any. Also, tell me which
operating systems you are familiar with, if any. I would also like to know
why you are taking this course. Do not leave out any of this
To create your autobiography file, do the following.
- Enter the xemacs editor by typing: xemacs mybio.txt
- Simply type in the information specified above. Edit any mistakes using
the Backspace or Delete key to backspace and the Ctl-d sequence to
delete a character. (Use the attached "Summary of Common emacs/xemacs Commands" as
a reference. I have placed arrows next to the "more important" commands.)
- Save your work by typing Ctl-x and then Ctl-s.
- Exit xemacs by typing Ctl-x and then Ctl-c.
- You will know that you have exited xemacs and are again talking to the Linux system if you see the linux1[#]% or linux2[#]% or linux3[#]% prompt.
- You can check that the file mybio.txt is in your directory by
typing: ls
- Use the pine E-mail System to Send an E-mail
You are now going to use pine to send an e-mail to me that has
the mybio.txt file that you created as an attachment. You will also send
a carbon copy (cc) to our TA, Zhipeng Wang.
To accomplish this, do the following.
- Enter pine by typing: pine
- The pine main menu should appear. Type: c to begin composing a new e-mail.
- Next to To:, type:
- Next to Cc:, type:
- Next to Attchmnt:, type: mybio.txt
- Next to Subject:, type: Autobiography for your name
- In the message area, type: Here is my autobiography!
followed by your name and CMSC 104, Section 0601
- To send the e-mail, type Ctl-x and then y.
- Type: q to exit out of pine.
- You are done when you receive the system prompt of linux1[#]% or
linux2[#]% or linux3[#]% back.
- Log Off the Linux System
When you are done with this exercise, you must log off both the Linux
system and the PC.
- To log off of the Linux system, type: logout
- To log off of the PC, press Ctl-Alt-Del, click on Log Off, then
click on Yes.
This project will be graded as follows:
- 2 points: E-mail sent to S. Mitchell
- 2 points: Copy sent to TA (Zhipeng Wang)
- 2 points: Correct subject line
- 2 points: Body of e-mail (message) contains all information asked for
- 2 points: Correct attachment name
- 10 points: Autobiography is attached and contains all required information
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