Instructor: | Thomas Gaeng |
Office: | ECS-202 E |
Office Hours: | Wednesdays, 5:30pm - 6:45pm, and by appointment |
Phone: | 410-455-3372 (only during office hours, don't leave messages there) |
E-mail: | |
TA: | Dhiresh Rawal |
Office: | ECS-335 A |
Office Hours: | Tue and Thu, 7:00pm - 8:00pm |
E-mail: | |
Days/Times: | Wednesdays, 7:00pm - 9:30pm |
Classroom: | ACIV 150 |
Required: | C How to Program by H.M. Deitel/P.J. Deitel, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition |
Optional: | Computer Science an Overview by J. Glenn Brookshear, Addison Wesley, 6th Edition |
Note that there is a link on the homepage to the lecture slides that will be used in class. I recommend that you get a printed copy of the lecture slides before the class in which they will be used. The lecture slide files are in PowerPoint format. For more information follow the Lectures link of this course.
The above course section web-page is where your assignments, grades, handouts, informations and any announcements relevant to your particular section will be posted. You need to monitor the course web pages for your section and read your e-mail daily to stay current on class information.
Final letter grades will be determined as follows.
Final grades will NOT be curved. Do not ask.
A grade of "I" (Incomplete) will only be given in the case of a verifiable medical emergency or other such dire circumstance. See General Policies and Conduct below.
Tardiness: Please be on time! Class begins at the scheduled time. Being late is disruptive to the class. Habitual tardiness will not be tolerated.
Responsibility for Class Material and Information: You are responsible for all material covered in lecture, even if it is not in the textbook. You are responsible for the material in the readings, even if they are not covered during lecture. The readings are listed in the Lecture Schedule.
Hardware and Software: You do not need to own a computer for this class. All hardware and software needed will be available on campus.
Questioning a Grade: You have exactly one week from the time that you receive any grade to discuss it with the TA or me. After that time period, the grade remains as is. Contact the TA first for discussions of homeworks and programming projects as these will be graded by the TA. The quizzes, midterm and final exam will be graded by the instructor.
Requesting a Grade of "I" (Incomplete) for the Semester: A grade of "I" (Incomplete) will only be given in the case of a verifiable medical emergency or other such dire circumstance. This is for circumstances that occur at the last moment in the semester only.
E-mail: In addition to office hours, you may communicate with me and the TA via e-mail. We'll do our best to answer my e-mail in a timely and thorough manner, but backups do occur. Also, do not expect a reply on weekends, over holidays, or late in the evening. See Making the Most of E-mail below.
All projects must:
If a project does not compile and produce reasonable output, it will receive a zero. "Reasonable output" will be explained in class. If you ever have a doubt as to whether or not your project produces reasonable output, ask your instructor before submitting it.
All projects must compile on the LINUX computer system (the LINUX system consists of multiple hosts - IP address range: linux1, linux2, linux3 (,, under the "gcc" compiler. This is the compiler that the grader will use to compile your program.
All projects are due by midnight on the date listed in the Lecture Schedule. I will accept late project up to 48hours after the deadline but will subtract 20% of the grade for each 24hours (ie: 0-24hours late: max points: 80%, 24-48hours late: max points: 60%). No late projects will be accepted after 48hours after the deadline. To account for timestamp errors in computer clocks I will allow a 1 hour window in the submission deadlines. You should try and submit your project well before the deadline though!
Be aware that the LINUX systems and UMBC networks may go down from time to time. You are given ample time to complete your projects, so such downtimes, no matter how long and when, are no excuse for your project being late. For those accessing the UMBC network remotely (e.g. via AOL, cable modem, DSL, ...), your Internet Service Provider (ISP) being down is no excuse for a late project either. If your ISP goes down, get to a UMBC computer lab and complete your project.
You will be turning your projects in electronically (i.e. via e-mail). Details will be explained in class before you need to submit your first project.
If your project is turned in by someone else, both you and the person copying your project will receive a zero for that project. This includes "substantially similar" projects. Furthermore, all parties concerned will have their prior projects checked for cheating. So, if you cheat on Project 4, you can lose all the points from Projects 1 through 3 as well, even though you may have done all the work and just "let" other people copy from you.
You may not use any other resources for help with your project.
The exams will be closed-book and closed-notes. The test dates for the exams are listed in the Lecture Schedule. Make a note of it now. I have no plans to give any early or makeup exams. In the case of a verifiable medical excuse or other such dire circumstance, arrangements must be made with your instructor immmediately for a makeup exam. You are responsible for initiating these arrangements, not your instructor.
By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC scholarly community in which everyone academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal. To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult the UMBC Student Handbook, the Faculty Handbook, or the UMBC Policies section of the UMBC Directory.
Academic dishonesty is serious and will be dealt with severely, including the possibility of being reported to the University's Academic Misconduct Committee. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
For a more complete description of academic dishonesty, refer to the UMBC Student Handbook.
The following is taken from the UMBC Student Handbook:
It is particularly important that the Chair of the Academic Conduct Committee be consulted. The Chair can provide knowledge and insight for the faculty member. Communication of instances of academic misconduct also protects the integrity of the university by providing a means of recording infractions that may be repeated by a particular student, or which may prove endemic to a particular course or department. Consultation with the Chair of the Academic Conduct Committee provides a formal record of the infraction and resolution, protecting the student, professor, and university should any questions later arise.
The student will have the opportunity to respond to an accusation of academic misconduct.
E-mail is a great way to communicate. It can save both of us a lot of time and also allows you to receive answers to questions outside of class. Realize, however, that it is not always the most appropriate way to communicate with me. Some topics are best discussed personally during my office hours or in an appointment.
Before you send an e-mail to anyone, it is a good idea to ask yourself the following questions.
In order to facilitate communication, please observe the following rules.
Any e-mail that does not follow these rules will be returned unanswered. It is up to you to determine which rule was not followed. Any e-mail that is disrespectful, offensive, or threatening will receive no reply.
In addition, please do not send me e-mails expressing "tales of woe." If you have such a situation, please see me during an office hour, make an appointment with me, or give me a call. If I receive a "tale of woe," I will instruct you to handle it in one of these manners rather than by e-mail.
I do my best to answer my e-mail in a timely and thorough manner. But backups do occur, especially around project due dates. Also, do not expect a reply on weekends, over holidays, or late in the evening. And do not hold up turning an assignment in because you are waiting for a reply to your e-mail.
When I reply to your e-mail, I will reply to the address from which it was sent. However, if I initiate an e-mail, it will be sent to your gl account. So, be sure to check your gl account regularly and frequently.
For your benefit, hold on to all e-mails concerning policies and grades as well as e-mail submissions of your homeworks and programming projects. A good idea is to "cc" (carbon copy) all class related e-mails to yourself when you send them! This will proove that you have submitted them on time and can serve as backup in case e-mails get lost.