Summary of the "C" language

Includes the ANSI STD features

104 | current 104

Based on:

" C The Complete Reference " by Herbert Schildt, McGraw-Hill

" Standard C " by Plauger & Brodie

"American National Standard ANSI X.3.159-1998"

Program Structure:

The "main" function and one or more other functions may be in a file. There are no procedures, a function may be used like a procedure with the function return value, if any, just ignored. Files are compiled with the C compiler that can produce an executable file.

Some typical file structures:

int main()                            /* This could be a complete program
  return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include ...     more header files from which definitions are needed
global and/or external declarations and/or type definitions
int main()                     /* main function and other functions  */
{                              /* in same file                       */
  return 0;

void function_1( int i, double x, more_parameters )
                      /* function definitions can NOT be nested */
                      /* flat name space, make all function names unique */
  /* no return needed at end of function when return tyoe is 'void' */

some_type function_2( void )
  return something-of-some_type;
}                              /* as many functions as desired       */

#include <stdio.h>          
/* a main function that can get command line arguments */
global and/or external declarations

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* argc, the number of command line items                   */
    /* argv, command line items including calling name as [0]   */

Executable statements:

Statements end with a semicolon or brace. A compound statement may be made from a sequence of statements by enclosing them in braces. { statement_1 ; statement_2 ; statement_3 ; } is a statement but usually { /* make code readable, one statement per line. */ statement_1; statement_2; statement_3; }

Assignment statements

  x = 10;
  x = x+1;
  ++x;                /* same as x = x+1; */
  x++;                /* same as x = x+1;  sets a false flag to true */
  --x;                /* same as x = x-1; decrements x then uses value*/
  x--;                /* same as x = x-1; uses x then decrements value*/
  x = x+20;
  x += 20;            /* same as x = x+20; add */
  x -= 20;            /* same as x = x-20; subtract */
  x *= 20;            /* same as x = x*20; multiply */
  x /= 20;            /* same as x = x/20; divide */
  x %= 20;            /* same as x = x%20; modulo */
  x <<= 2;            /* same as x = x<<2; shift left */
  x >>= 2;            /* same as x = x>>2; shift right */
  x &= 20;            /* same as x = x&20; bit by bit and*/
  x ^= 20;            /* same as x = x^20; bit by bit exclusive or */
  x |= 20;            /* same as x = x|20; bit by bit or */
  x = (y=3,y++);      /* same as y=3; x=y; y=y+1; */
  x = who ? 3 : y;    /* same as if(who)x=3; else x=y; */
  y = sin(x) ;        /* function call use #include <math.h>  */
  x = mat[i][j] ;     /* subscripting two dimensional array  */

Function call with return ignored:

  go_do_it();         /* actual parameters are optional              */
  exit(0);            /* special function that terminates execution  */

Unconditional branches:

  break;              /* immediate exit from loop or switch          */

  continue;           /* immediate jump to end of loop ( not exit )  */
                      /* also used to exit a switch in a loop        */

  return;             /* immediate exit from function, no value      */
  return exp;         /* exit from function returning value of exp   */

  goto label;         /* unconditional jump                          */

label: statement;     /* label definition                            */

Conditional branching:

  if ( condition ) statement ;  /* basic form of if statement */

  if ( condition ) statement ;
  else statement_2 ;            /* optional  else  clause */

  if ( condition_1 )
     if ( condition_2 ) statement ;
     else statement_2 ;         /* else  belongs to closest previous if */

  if ( expression )           /* condition may be any expression        */
  {                           /* zero value is false, non zero is true  */
     statement_sequence       /* { } may enclose sequence of statements */
  {                           /* it is good to use braces, safer for    */
     statement_sequence       /* updates to code later.                 */

  if-else-if ladder structure (must be space in  'else if')

  if(exp_1)             /*  the first expression that is true, e.g. exp_i */
       statement_1;     /*  causes statement_i to be executed             */
  else if(exp_2)        /*  then jump to end after statement_n            */
  else if(exp_3)
       statement_n;     /*  executed if no exp_i was true, else skipped   */

Switch statement

  switch ( expression )      /* constants must be unique              */
      case constant_1:       /* do nothing for this case              */
      case constant_2:       /* drop through and do same as constant_3*/
      case constant_3:
         statement_sequence  /* can have but does not need  { }       */
      case constant_4:
         statement_sequence  /* does this and next */
                             /* statement_sequence also*/
      case constant_5:
      default:               /* default executes if no constant equals*/
         statement_sequence  /* the expression. This is optional      */

Iteration statements

  for ( initialization ; condition ; increment ) statement ;
                                  /* The flow sequence is :              */
                                  /*    initialization                   */
                                  /*    test condition and exit if false */
                                  /*    statement                        */
                                  /*    increment                        */
                                  /*    loop back to test condition      */

  while ( condition ) statement ; /* keep repeating statement until the */
                                  /* condition is false, zero. This is */
                                  /* classical C thinking, rather than saying*/
                                  /* keep repeating while condition is true*/

  do                              /* another form of the 'while statement'*/
  {                               /* always execute once before testing   */
  } while ( condition ) ;         /* test for finished at the end, all    */
                                  /* other loops test first               */

  for(;;) statement;              /* infinite loop, break; can get out    */
                                  /* return and exit() can also get out   */
  while(1) statement;             /* another form of infinite loop        */
                                  /* this version is called an endless    */
                                  /* and must have something else to      */
                                  /* terminate the loop                   */

  in all iteration statements,  break; causes an immediate exit from loop
                                continue; causes an immediate increment

Function definition

Function Prototype

  type function_name(type_1 var_1, type_2 var_2,...);
                            /* e.g. double sin(double x);                 */
                            /* char * strcpy(char * s1, const char * s2); */
                            /* causes the compile to do type checking     */
                            /* const says s2 is an 'in' parameter         */
   /* a prefix of  static  makes the function visible only in this file */

Function Definition

  type function_name(int a, float b, const char * ch,...)
  { function_body }

  /* only parameters passed by address can are modified*/
  /* in the calling function, local copy can be modified*/
  char * strcpy( char * s1, const char * s2 ) { statements }

  type function_name(a, b)    /* older form of definition, DO NOT USE ! */
  int a;
  float b;
  { function_body }           /* same as combined parameters above */

example of a function and call passing the address of a scalar

     void func(int *num)
         *num *= *num; /* square num back in its place */
     } ...

     func(&i); /* call, passing address of i, the lvalue of i */

Reserved words

Like everything else, must be lower case. (exactly 32 reserved words)
autooptional local declaration
breakused to exit loop and used to exit switch
casechoice in a switch
charbasic declaration of a type character
constprefix declaration meaning variable can not be changed
continuego to bottom of loop in for, while and do loops
defaultoptional last case of a switch
doexecutable statement, do-while loop
doublebasic declaration double precision floating point
elseexecutable statement, part of "if" structure
enumbasic declaration of enumeration type
externprefix declaration meaning variable is defined externally
floatbasic declaration of floating point
forexecutable statement, for loop
gotojump within function to a label
ifexecutable statement
intbasic declaration of integer
longprefix declaration applying to many types
registerprefix declaration meaning keep variable in register
returnexecutable statement with or without a value
shortprefix declaration applying to many types
signedprefix declaration applying to some types
sizeofoperator applying to variables and types, gives size in bytes
staticprefix declaration to make local variable static
structdeclaration of a structure, like a record
switchexecutable statement for cases
typedefcreates a new type name for an existing type
uniondeclaration of variables that are in the same memory locations
unsignedprefix declaration applying to some types
voiddeclaration of a typeless variable
volatileprefix declaration meaning the variable can be changed at any time
whileexecutable statement, while loop or do-while loop

Declarations have the forms

  basic_type variable ;

  basic_type variable_1, variable_2=value;  /* only initializes variable_2  */

  prefix_type(s) basic_type modifier_type variable_1, variable_2 ,... ;

  type variable[val][val]...[val]={data,data,...}; /*multidimensional array*/

  struct struct_name {                 /* struct_name is optional */
     type variable_1;                  /* any declaration */
     type variable_2;                  /* all variable names must be unique*/
     type variable;
  } variable_1, variable_2, ... ;      /* variables are optional */

  struct struct_name {                 /* struct_name is optional */
     type variable_1: length;          /* any declaration : length in bits */
     type variable_1: length;          /* type is int, unsigned or signed */
     type variable_n: length_n;
  } variable_1, variable_2, ... ;      /* variables are optional, they can */
                                       /* also be arrays and pointers */

  struct struct_name more_variables;   /* struct_name becomes a type */

  union union_name {                   /* union_name is optional */
    type variable_1;                   /* variable_1 overlays variable_2 */
    type variable_2;
    type variable_n;
  } variable_a, variable_b, ...;       /* variables are optional */

  union union_name variable ;          /* use an existing union definition */

  enum enum_type                       /* enum_name is optional */
  { enumeration_name_1,                /* establishes enumeration literals */
    enumeration_name_2=number,         /* optional number, */
      ...                              /* default is 0, 1, 2, ... */
  } variable, variable, ...;           /* variables are optional */

  enum enum_type variable;             /* use an existing enum definition */

  enum enum_type variable = enumeration_name;

  typedef existing_type new_type_name ; /* e.g. typedef unsigned int size_t */
      /* use dot notation to select a component of a struct or union */

Basic types

charcharacter type, usually one byte ( a string is array of char )
intinteger type, usually 2 or 4 bytes ( default )
floatfloating point type, usually 4 bytes
doublefloating point type, usually 8 bytes
voidno type, typeless
enumenumeration type ( user defines the type name )

Type modifiers, prefix for basic types

signedhas a sign ( default )
unsignedno sign bit in variable
longlonger version of type (short or long alone means short int or
shortshorter version of type long int because int is the default)
constvariable can not be stored into

Storage class, prefix for types

autolocal variable ( default )
staticpermanent when function exits, not auto
volatilecan change from outside influence
externvariables are defined elsewhere, externally
registerassign variable to register

Modifier type

* makes variable a pointer
     int i = 1000;   /* allocate storage and initialize value to 1000 */
     int *ptr;       /* allocate storage for a pointer, garbage initially */
     ptr = &i;       /* ptr now points to i */
     *ptr = 100;     /* change value of i to 100 */

Samples of variable declarations

  auto int xyz;            /* int no longer is default */
  unsigned long int pqr;
  extern int global_stuff, remote_function();
  register int quick;
  void just_do_it();   /* called a function prototype  */
  char * ch;           /* a pointer to a character     */
  char * argv[];       /* an array of strings          */
  struct account       /* type definition for structure 'account' */
    char name[20];     /* name is 19 characters and a null */
    float bal;
    unsigned int sex:1; /* sex needs only 1 bit but probably uses a word */
  } person;            /* person is a variable, object in memory         */
  struct account *p;
  p=&person;           /* p is pointer to person */
  (*p).bal=100.00;     /* older usage */
  p->bal=100.00;       /* better usage, means same as above */

Automatic setting of array size based on data

  char msg[]="Set the size to correct length \n";
  char *p="auto length";
  char ary[3]="Element in an array of messages"; /* 3 items, 0,1 and 2 */
  float matrix[][3]={1.,2.,3.,4,.5.,6.};      /* fills in blank with 6 */
  float ***a;  /* (a+10)[0][0][0] is a way to index 3 dimensional array*/

Getting storage

  int *p;
  p=(int *)malloc(50*sizeof(int)); /* or p=(int *)calloc(50*sizeof(int)); */


octal and hexadecimal
01777  0x248fff long decimal, octal and hexadecimal
123456789L  017777777L  oxFFFFFFFFL
variable names1 to 32 characters including alphabetic, numeric and underscore
  some_name  ELSE  Else  z999
numbersinteger and floating point like in FORTRAN
1  12345  .1  1.  1.5E-20
charactersingle character between apostrophes plus special backslash codes
'a'  'Z'  '\n'
stringcharacters between quotes plus special backslash codes a null is automatically placed at end of every string
"Hello"  "good by \n"
let exp, exp1, exp2, exp3 etc. stand for expressions

expressions are:

  unary_operator expression
  expression binary_operator expression
  ( expression )
  variable post_operator    ( ++ and -- )

operator precedence and associativity is

LR( ) [ ] -> . x++ x--
RL! ~ - + ++x --x * & sizeof (type)
LR* / %
LR+ -
LR<< >>
LR< <= > >=
LR== !=
RL? :
RL= += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ^= |=
LR means associate left to right, RL means associate right to left
This is why  a = b = c = 1;  /* works, a,b and c get set to 1 */
But          int a,b,c = 1;  /* fails, only c gets set to 1   */
             *p++ = -x->y;   /* is ((*p)=(-(x->y)), p++)      */

operator definitions :

  ( )  grouping parenthesis, function call
  [ ]  array indexing, also  [ ][ ]  etc.
  ->   selector, structure pointer  employee->wage = 7.50 ;
  .    select structure element     employee.wage = 7.50 ;
  !    relational not, complement, ! a  yields true or false
  ~    bitwise not, ones complement, ~ a
  ++   increment, pre or post to a variable
  --   decrement, pre or post to a variable
  -    unary minus, - a
  +    unary plus,  + a
  *    indirect, the value of a pointer,  * p is value at pointer p address
  &    the memory address, & b is the memory address of variable b
  sizeof  size in bytes,   sizeof a     or  sizeof (int)
  (type)  a cast, explicit type conversion,  (float) i, (*fun)(a,b), (int*)x
  *    multiply, a * b
  /    divide, a / b
  %    modulo, a % b
  +    add, a + b
  -    subtract, a - b
  <<   shift left,  left operand is shifted left by right operand bits
  >>   shift right, left operand is shifted right by right operand bits
  <    less than, result is true or false,  a %lt; b
  <=   less than or equal, result is true or false,  a <= b
  >    greater than, result is true or false,  a > b
  >=   greater than or equal, result is true or false, a >= b
  ==   equal, result is true or false,  a == b
  !=   not equal, result is true or false,  a != b
  &    bitwise and,  a & b
  ^    bitwise exclusive or,  a ^ b
  |    bitwise or,  a | b
  &&   relational and, result is true or false,  a < b && c >= d
  ||   relational or, result is true or false,  a < b || c >= d
  ?     exp1 ? exp2 : exp3  result is exp2 if exp1 != 0, else result is exp3
  =    store
  +=   add and store
  -=   subtract and store
  *=   multiply and store
  /=   divide and store
  %=   modulo and store
  <<=  shift left and store
  >>=  shift right and store
  &=   bitwise and and store
  ^=   bitwise exclusive or and store
  |=   bitwise or and store
  ,    separator as in   ( y=x,z=++x )

  zero evaluates to false ( a null pointer has a zero value )
  non zero evaluates to true ( !null_pointer is true )
  * is heavily overloaded, so is &

Backslash codes for in character constants and strings

These can be used as characters when enclosed in apostrophies
  \a  alert, audible alarm, bell, ^G
  \b  Backspace, ^H
  \f  Form feed, new page, ^L
  \n  New line, carriage return and line feed, ^M^J
  \o  Octal constant, \oddd, \ddd
  \r  Carriage return, no line feed, ^M
  \t  Horizontal tab, tab, ^I
  \v  Vertical tab, ^K
  \x  Hexadecimal constant,  \xdd    0 <= d <= F
  \0  null, zero value character, ^@
  \"  Quote character
  \'  Apostrophe character
  \\  Backslash character
  \?  Question mark character
  \ddd  Octal character value 0 <= d <= 7

Format commands for printf() scanf() fprintf(), fscanf() sprintf() sscanf()

  %c  a single character, char
  %d  a decimal number, int   %hd is for short  %ld is for long
  %e  a floating point number, float in scientific notation, %E for 1.0E-3
      %le is for double, %Le is for long double
  %f  a floating point number with decimal point   %10.4f  10 wide  .dddd
      %lf is for double, %Lf is for long double
  %g  a floating point number, %f or %e as needed, %G for capital E
      %lg is for double, %Lg is for long double
  %h  an unsigned hexadecimal short integer (scanf only), old usage
  %i  an integer, int  %hi is for short int,  %li is for long int
  %n  pointer to integer to receive number of characters so far, int *i
  %o  an unsigned octal number, unsigned int  %ho and %lo for short and long
  %p  a pointer, void **x
  %s  a string ( must be null terminated ! ), use %s for scanf
  %u  an unsigned decimal integer (printf only), unsigned int  %hu %lu
  %x  a hexadecimal number, %X for capital ABCDEF, unsigned int  %hx %lx
  [...]  string, x[]
  %   none
Text may be around format characters for printf(), The list follows the
single quoted format string.
Output is right justified unless format  %-s or %-10.4f is used.
%+... causes plus sign to be printed.
%*    suppresses assignment, no store, in scanf().
%#    converts value to alternate form.
Field is expanded if not enough room to print.
numeric data into scanf() must be separated by space, tab or newline, not comma
characters between % in scanf() format must be in input and are ignored

Preprocessor directives:

#include "mine.h"search current working directory first
#include <stdio.h>search command line directory then system
#define TRUE 1macro substitution, usually use capitals
#define min(a,b) (a<b)?(a):(b)macro substitution with parameters
#define abs(a) (a<0)?(-(a)):(a)macro substitution
#define note /* comment */ this comment gets inserted every time note appears */
backslash \ at end of a line means continue
#undef TRUEundefines a previously defined macroname
#error stop compiling at this point
#if expressionconditional compilation, start if structure
#elif expressionelse if expression != 0 compile following code
#elseelse compile following code
#endifend of conditional compiling
#ifdef macronamelike #if, compiles if macroname defined
#ifndeflike #if, compiles if macroname undefined
#line number [filename]set origin for __LINE__ and __FILE__
#pragmagives the compiler commands