UMBC CMSC 104 -- Spring 2001
News and Announcements
- 1/30/01 - gl Accounts - Check the link Office of Information Technology under Other Links from the class web site. From here, you will find information on how to Register for an Account and Off Campus Access for PCs.
- 1/30/01 - Permission To Enroll - If I received your name last night during class, you received permission to enroll in this class and may do so now.
- 2/5/01 - Homework Posted - Homework assignments 1, 2 and 3 have been posted. Do them as soon as you are able and keep in mind that late homework will not be accepted.
- 2/7/01 - TA Office Hours - Office hours for the TA have been posted. You should contact the TA by email or visit her during her office hours, if you have questions about the homework assignments or grading.
- 2/7/01 - gcc Options - For those of you looking ahead at the gcc compiler, it has been recommended that you use the following options.
gcc -ansi -Wall program.c
- 2/12/01 - Pine Reference - A reference link for Pine has been added to the course home page.
- 2/12/01 - Lab 1 - Lab worksheet #1 has been added to the homework/projects/labs link on the course homepage.
- 2/15/01 - Late Policy - I have modified the late homework policy as follows.
All homework and projects are due at the beginning of class, within the first 15 minutes of class on the date listed in the Lecture Schedule. Assignments will be accepted up to one day late with a 10% reduction in grade. To receive partial credit, late assignments must contain proof that they were submitted within one day of the due date. Written assignments must therefore be handed to me or to the TA in person, or they must be signed and dated by an instructor or staff member in ECS 210 and left in my mailbox. No other late assignments will be accepted, except as specified under the University Policy. No makeup exams will be given, except as specified under the University Policy.
- 2/27/01 - Grades - Your grades are posted on the website under Course Information in Microsoft Excel format.
- 3/13/01 - Projects and Labs Posted - Projects 4 through 8 have been posted, along with Lab 2 which will be done in our next lab session.
- 3/13/01 - Electronic Submission - Read carefully the instructions on how to submit your projects electronically on the Projects page. If you do not follow these directions, you will not received credit for your work.
- 3/18/01 - Exam I Correction - The correct answer for Question 24 of Exam I should have been A, not B. If you lost points on this question, bring your exam to class next week and I'll fix it.
- 4/06/01 - Homework 4 - The grades for homework 4 have been posted.
- 4/12/01 - Clarification of the *= Operator - The *= example from the end of Lecture 16 gives an answer different from what we expected in class. This is because ALL assignment operators are at the same level (*=, /=, +=, -=, and =) and evaluated right to left. See page 82. This means the rightmost assignment is done first and the value of k is modified before it is multiplied by the *= operator.
main ()
int i=1, j=2, k=3, m=4;
printf("Inital Values : i=%d j=%d k=%d m=%d\n", i, j, k, m);
j *= k = m + 5;
printf("After j *= k = m + 5 : i=%d j=%d k=%d m=%d\n", i, j, k, m);
Program Output:
Inital Values : i=1 j=2 k=3 m=4
After j *= k = m + 5 : i=1 j=18 k=9 m=4
- 4/24/01 - Exam II - Because of confusion with question 3, I eliminated the question from the exam and increased everyone's grade by 5 points.
- 4/27/01 - HW Due Dates - The due dates for HW 6, 7, & 8 have been adjusted.
- 4/30/01 - HW 7 Prototypes - The function prototypes for HW7 have been modified. The three "display" functions have a fourth argument, which is the character used to draw the boxes.
- 5/2/01 - Sample Programs - Sample programs were added to the projects page. NOTE especially the example on how to read in character input. You should use scanf(" %c", &mychar) and note the SPACE before the %c, which C uses to filter out white spaces.
- 5/22/01 - Final Grades - Final grades posted online.
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