Project 3 - Rectangles

Due: Wednesday, May 3 BEFORE CLASS


Your program will display a filled-in rectangle of a given ASCII character. The width of the rectangle will be displayed by letting each ASCII character represent one/half of a unit across in a row (so 2 characters per unit across). The height of the rectangle will be displayed by letting the height of each ASCII character be one unit.

########## Here is an example of a rectangle that ########## has a width of 5 and a height of 4 and ########## is drawn using the ASCII character '#'. ##########

Using two characters across for a unit and one character per unit down will give you a rectangle that more closely resembles the dimensions you'd like to see. This is because printed ASCII characters are approximately twice as tall as they are wide.

The program will ask the user to enter the width of the rectangle, the height of the rectangle, and the ASCII character to be used to display the rectangle. For example, if the user enters a width of 5, a height of 2, and the character '*', the function DrawRect() will display:

********** **********

You SHOULD NOT allow the user to enter negative numbers as the dimensions of the rectangle. You should error check the input and make the user keep entering a number until he/she enters a positive number. See the sample output below.

After getting the user input, you must present a menu to the user. The menu should have the five options shown in the sample output below. The functions you will write, in addition to the main function, are:

Each function corresponds to a menu option. The menu should continue to display until the users enters a Q for quit. You should only allow the user to enter UPPERCASE menu options.

Give your program source code file the name proj3.c. E-mail this file to Evelyn ( Do NOT send your executable file (a.out).

Sample Output

Enter the width: -4 Please enter a positive integer: -2 Please enter a positive integer: 4 Enter the height: 3 Enter a character to be used to draw the rectangle: # Menu A -- Calculate the Area of the Rectangle P -- Calculate the Perimeter of the Rectangle L -- Calculate the Length of the Diagonal of the Rectangle D -- Display the Rectangle Q -- Quit Selection: L The length of the diagonal is: 5.000 Menu A -- Calculate the Area of the Rectangle P -- Calculate the Perimeter of the Rectangle L -- Calculate the Length of the Diagonal of the Rectangle D -- Display the Rectangle Q -- Quit Selection: T T is an invalid menu option. Menu A -- Calculate the Area of the Rectangle P -- Calculate the Perimeter of the Rectangle L -- Calculate the Length of the Diagonal of the Rectangle D -- Display the Rectangle Q -- Quit Selection: r r is in invalid menu option. Menu A -- Calculate the Area of the Rectangle P -- Calculate the Perimeter of the Rectangle L -- Calculate the Length of the Diagonal of the Rectangle D -- Display the Rectangle Q -- Quit Selection: D A rectangle with 4 columns and 3 rows ######## ######## ######## Menu A -- Calculate the Area of the Rectangle P -- Calculate the Perimeter of the Rectangle L -- Calculate the Length of the Diagonal of the Rectangle D -- Display the Rectangle Q -- Quit Selection: Q End of program.

Important Note : You must tell the compiler where to find the math library, or your program will not compile. This is accomplished by using the -lm (the lowercase letter 'l', not the number one) option when compiling. So, in order to compile a program that calls a function in the math library, not only do you have to #include the math.h header file, but you also must compile with the -lm option. So, compile your program as follows:

cc proj3.c -lm