Mid-Term Exam
Test Instruction Sheet
Computer Science 104
Section 0101
SSN #_____
Begin /* mid term exam */
/* Initialization */
· You will be given 75 minutes to complete this exam.
· Exam sheets will be collected PROMPTLY at the end of the testing period.
· On your exam fill in the top right corner with your student identification number.
· Exams will not be graded without SSN.
· You may not use any notes or calculators on this exam.
· Make sure that your test packet contains 6 pages!
Section Scores:
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
IX |
Total Score: ______ out of a possible 100
/* Section I - computer architecture identify components - (10 points) */
(1-8). On your answer sheet identify each lettered component of this generic computer. (1 point each)
1) A = _____CPU_________ 5) E = ______ROM________
2) B = __Address Bus______ 6) F = _______I/O_________
3) C = ____Data Bus_______ 7) G = ______Bridge_______
4) D = ______RAM________ 8) H = __Specialized Bus____
Answer True of False:
9) (True / False) An ALU is part of the CPU.
10) (True / False) Non-volatile memory "remembers" its contents even in the absence of power.
/* Section II Understanding of Memory (20 points) */
Assume a RAM memory is 16 bits wide and 256 bytes deep. Also assume that this is the only memory available in this system.
Fill the memory with the following data in this order (addresses and data are given in hex).
Location 0 0010
Location 55 1234
Location AA CAFE
Location AB F00D
Location 1B0 4410
Location G5 1010
Location 0 0101
Location F0 56789
Answer questions 11-18 on your answer sheet using the configuration specified above. (2 point each)
11) What are the contents of location 0? ____0x0101__
12) Why? ___Last value written to this location_______
13) What are the contents of location 55? ____0x1234__
14) Why? __Only value written to this location_________
15) What are the contents of location 1B0? ___Unknown_
16) Why? __Outside of specified memory location______
17) What are the contents of location F0? ___Unknown__
18) Why? __Too many bits wide____________________
Assume your system contains a ROM memory which is 16 bits wide and 256 bytes deep. Write the following data to the ROM:
Location 0 0010
Location 55 1234
Location 0 0110
Answer the following questions on your answer sheet using the above configuration. (2 point each)
19) What is the value of location 0? _Unknown__
20) Why? _Can't write to ROM_______________
/* Section III Conversions (10 points) */
convert the following and write the answers on your answer sheet:
(1 point each).
21) 1011 1010 11012 = _BAD_ H_
22) 100 10 = ____64_ H
23) A0 H = __160_ 10
24) AA H XOR BB H = __11_ H
25) AA H AND BB H = __AA_ H
26) NOT AAH = ___55_ H
27) The logical expression for the above circuit is: (2 points)
a). Light On = (A AND B) OR (C AND D)
b). Light On = (A AND C) OR (B AND D)
c). Light On = (A OR B) AND (C OR D)
d). Light On = (A AND B) XOR (C AND D)
28) The logical expression for the above circuit is: (2 points)
a). Light On = (A AND B) AND (C AND D)
b). Light On = (A AND B AND C) OR D
c). Light On = (A OR B OR C) AND D
d). Light On = (A AND B) XOR (C AND D)
e). None of the above
/* Section IV Operating System Fundamentals (10 points) */
Identify A, B, C and D in the following chart. (1 point each)
29) A = _Boot Code or Boot Strap______
30) B = _Hardware Drivers or Device Drivers_
31) C = _Input/Output Interface____________
32) D = _Any kind of memory or mass storage, CPU_
Briefly describe the major differences among Operating System commands, utilities, and applications? (6 points)
33). A). Operating System
Coordinates users and resources, basic interface to disk systems
B). Utility
Small programs that make the operating system easier to use
C). Application
More expensive program targeted to doing a specific, complex task
/* Section V UNIX (10 points) */
Execute these commands in order:
Mkdir alpha
Mkdir beta
Mkdir gamma
Cd gamma
Mkdir delta
Cd ..
Mkdir epsilon
Cd epsilon
Mkdir psi
Cd alpha
Pwd > Q
34) Draw the directory structure that the above commands create (3 points).
35) Identify the contents of file Q. (3 points).
36) How do you invoke the C compiler? (2 points).
cc filename.c
37) What are arguments? (2 points).
Arguments are parameters that are used as inputs into a program or functions
/* Section VI Pseudo coding/Flow charting (20 points) */
Start Algorithm 1:
Set variable X to 0
Read variable N from user
Loop N times
Read variable Q from user
Add Q to X and store result in X
End Loop N times
Set variable Y to X divided by N
Display Y
End Algorithm 1
Start Algorithm 2:
Set variable X to 1
Set variable Last_X to 1
Read variable N from user
Loop N times
Print X
Set X to X plus Last_X
Set Last_X to X
End Loop N times
End Algorithm 2
Start Algorithm 3:
Set variable B to 0
Read variable C
While C is not Q then
Print C
Read Variable C
Increment B
End While
Print B
End Algorithm 3
Identify by function, any two of the three above algorithms: ( 10 pts each).
Circle the algorithm you are answering, then circle the function of that algorithm.
38). Algorithm 1 Algorithm 2 Algorithm 3
a). Compute Fibonicci Sequence
b). Compute Average Algorithm 1
c). Compute Squares
d). Builds Addition Tables
e). Count the number of characters the user types Algorithm 3
f). None of the above. Algorithm 2
Convert algorithm 2 to a flowchart. (10 points).
/* Section VII C language skills (10 points) */
What is the result of the following C printf statements (2 point each)
40) printf("Hello, World!\n"); Hello, World! (new line)
41) printf("and the answer is %d",answer); (let answer = 5)
and the answer is 5
43). (True / False) If your program does not generate any syntax errors, then your program will run correctly.
44). (True / False) Your C source code file must end in with the extension ".c"
45). Move one line to fix the following flowchart: (5 points)
Line #10 - If the process needs to loop back to develop/modify algorithm.
/* Section VIII Programming methodology (10 points) */
Fill in the blanks using the following:
B, F, __C__, A, ___G___, E, H, ___D___
#44 #45 #46
A. Design the algorithms with Pseudo Coding/Flowcharting
B. Identify Problem
C. Draw Black Box
D. Debug
E. Design Algorithms
F. Understand the Problem
G. Code solution
H. Design test vector set
Answer the following true or false:
52) (True / False) Bill Gates is an evil son-of-a-!$%&^
/* Section IX Extra Credit (10 points) */
We often refer to large blocks of memory as "Ks"
(i.e. I have a 64K video cache).
53) What does the "K" mean? (2 points).
"K" literally means Kilo
54) Is a 64K video cache actually 64,000 bytes or words long? (1 point).
55) Why? (2 points).
Because a "K" to a human means 1000, but to a computer, it means 1024,
So a 64K video cache is really 64 * 1024 bytes/words long
56) Identify the GUI on the overhead (indicate left or right) (1 point).
57) What does GUI mean? (2 points).
Graphical User Interface
58) How does a GUI differ from a command line interface? (2 points).
Command line interface is keyboard driven, all commands, options and arguments must be specified textually.
A GUI uses a "point-and-click" mouse driven interface. Command, options and arguments are selected through various graphic lists.
Congratulations!!!! Youre done!
End /* mid term exam */