Project 1
Project 1 is worth 10 and due at midnight:
0401 | Monday, 13 Mar |
0103 | Tuesday, 14 Mar |
Create a file named proj1.c, using the editor of your choice that has the following lines:
/* Filename: proj1.c
Author: <Your name, your SSAN, and your section number>
Date Written: <The date that you created the file.>
Description: This program prints the greeting: "Hello, World!\n"
#include <stdio.h>
printf( "Hello, World!\n" );
Compile the program with the following command:
If you got an error and you probably did, simply go back into the editor and fix it.
Then recompile, continuing until you get no warnings or errors.
Execute the program with one of the two commands:
If everything worked correctly, you should get the message:
Hello, World!
Notice that the UNIX prompt must be on the next line!
Turning in your homework
Once you have everything absolutely correct, you must use the following set of commands to create
the file that you will send to the TA for grading.
- script
- cat proj1.c
- cc proj1.c
- ./a.out
- exit
- mail ??? < typescript>
This is all or nothing for 10 points. There will be no points if you turn the work in late.
While this is not worth a lot of points, there is no way you can pass this course if
you can not do this project. If things go right the very first time, this will take less
than ten minutes. But if there are any problems, it will take longer.
If you can't figure it out, check with the consultants in
room ECS020 or the TA's. Don't wait for
the last second to do this.