Written Report
The written report is worth 100 points and due at midnight May 15:
You are to locate a published article on some aspect of computer programming that
has been published in the last six months. This article can be published in a
magazine, trade paper, or on the internet. You are to provide a summary of the article
and provide an discussion of the article. You are free to express your opinion of
the article and can agree or disagree as you wish. (It is not your opinion that is
being graded, but how well you communicate that is graded!)
The report will be submitted as an attachment to an email to me. Assuming the article
is prepared with Microsoft Word or the equivalent, the report is to have a title
page with your name, SSAN, Course number, Section number, title and source of article,
date published and author's name. The report itself is to be two pages long, double spaced,
and using a 12-point font. There should be no misspelled words nor grammer errors. I will
be using Microsoft Word to find those errors. (Since Microsoft Word does not have
the world's greatest grammer checker, I will decide if it is a valid error, not jusg
accepting the output.)