Contact Information
Instructor: John Y. Park
Email: park@umbc.edu
Office: ITE 320
Office Hours: Mon 4:15pm - 5:15pm Wed 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Recent Announcements
Mon, Dec 08, 2008 -- Survey time again!
We would like you to fill out a companion survey to the one that you
completed at the beginning of the course. This is really important to
helping improve the curriculum at the university, so PLEASE fill it out.
We're even making it ultra-convenient for you! You can fill out a paper
copy that will be handed out in class today, or you can go online to
link to fill it out. Thanks!
Mon, Dec 08, 2008 -- Exam 3 sample questions have been posted.
On Monday, Dec. 15, we will have our third and last exam. It will be in
our usual lecture room, and it will be, as always, closed book/closed notes.
The sample questions for the exam are available at
this link,
and questions for the actual exam will be drawn from this set,
with minor changes possible to quantities, variable and function names,
and the like. This exam will concentrate on concepts that have been
covered in the third segment of this course: switches, functions, and
arrays, but will also include some questions covering topics covered
on the first two exams, especially where it bears on general programming
skills. Good luck!!!
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