Old Announcements :
- 11/13 -- The review questions for
exam 2 have been released. The following topics will not be covered on exam 2 but will
be on exam 3 instead: Logical Operators (&&, ||, !), switch() statements, Assignment
Operators (++, --, +=, etc...) and Functions.
- 11/07 -- Updated the schedule.
- 11/05 -- Class is cancelled today, Monday, 11/5/07.
- 11/01 -- Project 1 has been released.
- 10/29 -- For those of you that visit the Computer Science Help
Center for help, please note that Alex is the only tutor who can help with your
JavaScript projects. Please check the schedule
for the hours he works. If you cannot make it during those times or to my office hours, please
let me know and we can always make an appointment. Please plan ahead and do not start your
projects at the last minute.
- 10/21 -- Ms. Block's office hours are cancelled for Monday, October
- 10/11 -- If you would like to complete the research survey for 5 extra
credit points on Exam 1, please visit: http://home.com\
There will be a consent form to fill out followed by the survey. You have until Monday to
fill out the survey and receive the extra credit. You will be asked to take the survey
again in two months. You must take the survey both times in order to receive the
extra credit. I will not see any of the survey results. I will only recieve a list of
names of those who took it.
- 10/10 -- I added two slides to the end of Lecture 7 on Tuesday. If you printed
them on Monday, you'll want to print the last two slides.
- 10/03 -- Posted the exam review questions.
- 10/02 -- Updated the schedule to reflect the new exam dates.
- 09/17 -- My office hours from 2:30-3:30 will be cancelled today,
Monday, September 17th.
- 09/13 -- Linux Users Group Installfest: The
LUG will hold its Installfest on Sunday, 9/23, from
10-2:30 p.m.. For more details, visit their Wiki. If you
are interested in installing Linux on your home PC or laptop,
this would be the time/place to do it!
- 09/07 -- For those who have Macs: To open
a terminal, you go to Applications -> Utilities ->
Terminal and then type the command I showed you yesterday.
You just have to enter your password and then once
you are logged in you will be in the same place you
were when you logged in through TeraTerm yesterday. If
you are in the M/W class, I'll go over the command with you
on Monday. Thanks to Derek for the terminal info!
- 09/06 -- There were quite a few anonymous
questions on the skills survey from both of the sections
so I decided to post the
- 08/30 -- There were some openings in both
sections due to students dropping, so I was able to
add some students from the hold lists. When you
receieve the email saying you have been given permission,
make sure you go in to myUMBC and actually add the course
yourself. If you are a freshman, you will probably need to
get permission from your academic advisor to change
your schedule.
- 08/30 -- UMBC's Emergency Notification Service
: Make sure to sign up to receive a text
message on your phone if there is an emergency at UMBC.
You can do it through myUMBC. There is an announcement
on the Start page.
- 08/29 -- HOLD LISTS:
I will not make any decisions regarding the hold
list until next week. I will do my best to let everyone in
that I can. Please just come to class next Tu/Wed so I can
see how many students fit into the lab.
- 08/29 -- ROOM CHANGE:
From now on, we will meet in the lab, ENG122/122A. We will
only meet in the classroom on the first day of class.
- 08/29 -- Welcome to CMSC104!!