Summary of Pico Commands

^G    Display help text
^F    move Forward a character  (or Right Arrow)
^B    move Backward a character (or Left Arrow)
^P    move to the Previous line (or Up Arrow)                                                          
^N    move to the Next line     (or Down Arrow)
^A    move to the beginning of the current line
^E    move to the End of the current line
^V    move forward a page of text
^Y    move backward a page of text
^W    Search for (where is) text, neglecting case
^L    Refresh the display
^D    Delete the character at the cursor position
^^    Mark cursor position as beginning of selected text
^K    Cut selected text (displayed in inverse characters)
^U    Uncut (paste) last cut text insert at current cursor position.
^I    Insert a tab at the current cursor position
^J    Format (justify) the current paragraph
^T    To invoke the spelling checker
^C    Report current cursor position
^R    Insert an external file at the current cursor position
^O    Output the current buffer to a file, saving it.
^X    Exit pico, saving buffer