Programming Project 1
Grade Calculator
90% <= a <= 100% 80% <= b < 90% 70% <= c < 80% 60% <= d < 70% 0% <= f < 60%When figuring the letter grade, you should round the number up if the decimal portion is .5 and above.
linux2[14]% gcc -ansi -Wall proj1.c linux2[15]% a.out Welcome to the CMSC104 grade calculation program. This program will calculate the final average and course grade for a student in CMSC104. Each homework is worth 4%, each project is worth 7% and each exam is worth 20%. Enter the homework 1 score: 100 Enter the homework 2 score: 80 Enter the homework 3 score: 100 Enter the project 1 score: 75 Enter the project 2 score: 90 Enter the project 3 score: 99 Enter the project 4 score: 100 Enter the exam 1 score: 92 Enter the exam 2 score: 80 Enter the exam 3 score: 81 With an average of 87.28%, your course grade is a B. Thank you for using the grade calculation program! linux2[16]% a.out Welcome to the CMSC104 grade calculation program. This program will calculate the final average and course grade for a student in CMSC104. Each homework is worth 4%, each project is worth 7% and each exam is worth 20%. Enter the homework 1 score: 100 Enter the homework 2 score: 50 Enter the homework 3 score: 75 Enter the project 1 score: 75 Enter the project 2 score: 70 Enter the project 3 score: 75 Enter the project 4 score: 75 Enter the exam 1 score: 80 Enter the exam 2 score: 70 Enter the exam 3 score: 65 With an average of 72.65%, your course grade is a C. Thank you for using the grade calculation program! linux2[17]%
Here is a sample submission command. Note that the project name starts with uppercase 'P'.
submit cs104_0401 Proj1 proj1.c
To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the following command at the Unix prompt. It will show the file that you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.
submitls cs104_0401 Proj1