C's Precedence Table  

This is the complete and full listing of the C operators.

1 ++
( )
[ ]
Prefix increment
Prefix decrement
Function call and subexpression
Array subscript
Structure pointer
Structure member
left to right
2 !
Logical negation
1's complement
Unary negation
Unary plus
Type cast
Pointer dereference
Address of
Size of
right to left
3 *
Modulus (integer remainder)
left to right
4 +
left to right
5 <<
Bitwise left shift
Bitwise right shift
left to right
6 <
Less than
Less than or equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
left to right
7 ==
Equal test
Not equal test
left to right
8 & Bitwise AND left to right
9 ^ Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) left to right
10 | Bitwise inclusive OR left to right
11 && Logical AND left to right
12 || Logical inclusive OR left to right
13 ?: Conditional test right to left
14 =
Compound add
Compound subtract
Compound multiply
Compound divide
Compound modulus
Compound bitwise left shift
Compound bitwise right shift
Compound bise AND
Compound bitwise exclusive OR
Compound bitwise inclusive OR
right to left
15 ,
Sequence point (list separator)
Postfix increment
Postfix decrement
left to right