CMSC 104 -- Fall 2005
Problem Solving and Computer Programming
Section 0501
Ms. Dawn Block
Course Information
- Recent Announcements [archive]:
- 12/12 -- Project 4 is now due tomorrow, Tuesday 12/13
before midnight.
- 11/30 -- Released Project 4.
- 11/30 -- The Project 3 due date has been extended to Friday,
12/2, before 11:59PM.
- 11/28 -- My office hours are cancelled for today, Monday, 11/28.
- 11/21 -- I made a correction to Project 3. The original windchill
formula had a typo in it. The change is in red. Please make sure you
use the new formula.
- 11/08 -- Released project 3.
- Contact Information
- Lecture Transparencies
- Course Schedule
- Syllabus
- Homeworks and Projects
- Exams
Student Resources
Last Modified: