CMSC104, Fall 2004
Programming Project 4
Shopping List
Out: Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Due: Friday, December 17, 2004 before midnight
The Objective
This project is designed to give you practice working with arrays
and functions. It will also give you practice passing arrays to
The Task
Your job is to write a program that will read in the purchase prices
of several items in a grocery store. You will then display the
the receipt, listing the items purchased and the price of the bill.
You are to store the values of the items in an array. Here is the main
function that you MUST use in your program:
int main()
float groceryList [MAX]; /* Array to store prices of items purchased */
float subTotal = 0.0; /* Total amount of grocery bill before tax */
float taxAmount = 0.0; /* Amount of tax */
float finalTotal = 0.0; /* Final grocery total with tax included */
int numberOfItems = 0; /* Total items purchased */
/* Fill array with items purchased */
numberOfItems = FillGroceryList (groceryList);
/* Calculate sub total */
subTotal = CalculateSubTotal (groceryList, numberOfItems);
/* Calculate tax */
taxAmount = CalculateTax (subTotal, TAX);
/* Add tax to sub total to compute final total */
finalTotal = subTotal + taxAmount;
/* Print the receipt */
PrintReceipt (groceryList, numberOfItems, subTotal, taxAmount, finalTotal);
return 0;
You MUST use the main() function exactly as it is given. However,
you need to add the following code before main:
- A file header comment
- Any necessary preprocessor directives
- A #define directive to set MAX to 10
- A #define directive to set TAX to .05
- Function prototypes
You must also add the definitions of the functions after main(). You may
add additional functions if you wish.
Input to the Program
A data file containing the items for you to use as input to your program will
be provided. The items are all greater than 0. The last value in
the file will be 0. This is the sentinel value that signals the program
to stop reading items.
To use the data file as input to your program, you will use Linux redirection.
By using redirection, you can tell Linux to read data from a file rather
than from the keyboard. The scanf
statement that you use in
your program will look exactly the same as it would if you were getting
your input from the keyboard. But since you will be getting the values
from a file instead of from a user typing at the keyboard, you will not
need to prompt the user.
When you run your program, use the following command:
a.out < items.dat
This is how Linux redirection is done. It is saying to run your executable
file using the file items.dat
as input.
You will need to copy the file items.dat
into your directory.
To do this, go to the directory where you would like to store
. Then, use the following command to copy
into the directory:
cp /afs/ .
Notice that the space and period at the end of the command are part of
the command.
Here is a example of what the input data file could look like:
You will also find proj4.c
in the directory with
. You can copy it to your own directory
following the above directions.
Sample Output
linux2[34]% gcc -ansi -Wall proj4.c
linux2[35]% cat items.dat
linux2[36]% a.out < items.dat
You purchased the following ten items:
01) 1.50
02) 2.57
03) 1.35
04) 2.90
05) 5.90
06) 7.50
07) 0.98
08) 4.50
09) 3.75
10) 1.25
Sub Total: $ 32.20
Tax: $ 1.61
Final Total: $ 33.81
Thank you for your purchase!
Your output does not have to match the sample exactly, with
a few exceptions:
- You must have a line showing the total number
of items purchased. When you show the total number of items purchased,
you must print the number in "words" For example, 10 should be
printed as ten.
- The decimal places in the list of items should line up
- The decimal places in the totals should line up exactly
- The item number should be padded with a 0 if it is only 1 digit
Submitting the Program
Here is a sample submission command. Note that the project name
starts with uppercase 'P'.
submit cs104_0201 Proj4 proj4.c
To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the
following command at the Unix prompt. It will show the file that
you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.
submitls cs104_0201 Proj4