CMSC 104, Section 0801
Problem Solving and Computer Programming
Exam I Review
Exam I will be on Thursday, Oct 10, 2002, at 5:30pm in SS 209.
Following is a general list of topics that you will be expected to know and understand for Exam I. Specific questions will be answered during the review session in class on Oct 8. NOTE: No calculators, laptops, cell phones, or PDAs will be permitted during the exam. If you have completed all of the projects, attended all of the lectures, and worked on the practice problems, you will do well on the exam.
You will need to know:
- the major components of a computer and their functionality (i.e., CPU, ALU, RAM, disk, I/O),
- the structure of binary, decimal, and hexidecimal number systems,
- conversion between number systems,
- binary arithmetic (addition and subtration, limited to no more than 2 bytes),
- basic Linux commands and wild card characters (all covered in the self-paced lab),
- the definition and reasons for using algorithms,
- the difference between syntax and semantics,
- how to read and write pseudocode, and the three types of control structures (sequence, selection, repitition), and
- the syntax of basic C programs, including:
- variables types (int, char, float, double),
- valid variable names,
- printf and scanf (including %d, %lf, %f, %c, \n, \t),
- the structure and function of a basic program,
- preprocessor directives (#include, #define),
- int main(),
- comment structure (C style only), and
- basic error detection and correction.
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