Start of class, Thursday October 4, 2001.
Note that late projects will NOT be accepted.
Point Value:
This project is graded with a 100 point max score.
Determine the generic solutions to the problems. Write the generic solutions in pseudocode. The pseudocode should be represented as discussed in class. Turn this work in on paper, not by e-mail. Type in the solutions using any word processor of your choice. No handwritten submissions will be allowed.
Make sure that your pseudocoded solutions include, as discussed in class:
Problem 1:
Write an interactive program that will draw a hollow (the in-class
problem was different) rectangle of asterisks (*). The program must
also display the
dimensions of the rectangle. Error checking must be done to be sure
that the dimensions are greater than zero. Ask the user again if the dimensions
are zero.
Example :-
for length = 3 and width = 7
Problem 2:
The grade in some course is based on the following:
4 Projects =
3 Exams (20% each) = 60%
Total = 100%
If a student has the following project and exam grades at the end of the semester, calculate the final grade for the course:
Project 1 = 20/20
Project 2 = 90/100
Project 3 = 70/75
Project 4 = 19/25
Exam 1 = 92/100
Exam 2 = 80/100
Exam 3 = 81/100
Give the specific solution to this problem.
Then give an interactive generic algorithm where you get the grade of
each project and exam. The maximum grade per project or exam will
be the same as in the above list i.e. maximum points for project1 are
20, for project2 are 100, exam1 are 100 and so on. Perform error checking
to see that the grade entered is not greater than the maximum grade
and not less than zero. Display all the grades as shown above and the final
grade for the class.
You should do this project independently. The work you submit should
be your own. Instances of cheating will not be tolerated. You will
fail the class if found copying or discussing solutions with other