int a = 3, b = 17 ; a = b % a ; b = ++a + 5 ; printf("a = %d, b = %d\n", a, b) ;
int a = 5, b = 4, c = 1 ; if ( a < b + 1 ) { printf("Tea, Earl Grey, Hot!\n") ; } else if ( a > b + c ) { printf("Ahead warp factor 9. Engage!\n") ; } else if ( a % b >= c ) { printf("Warp core breach in 20 seconds!\n") ; } else { printf("I sense a lot of anxiety in this room.\n") ; }
int i, total ; for (i = 1 ; i <= 15 ; i++) { if ( i % 3 == 0) { printf("%d ", i) ; } } printf("\n\n");
test = FALSE ; if (test = TRUE) { printf("Beam down the landing party.\n") ; } else if (test == FALSE) { printf("Jim, he's dead.\n") ; } else if (test == TRUE) { printf("Scotty, four to beam up.\n") ; }
for (i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) { printf("%d is a multiple of 5\n", i); } else { printf("%d is not\n", i); } }
#include <stdio.h> int Deep(int, int) ; int Space(int) ; main() { int a = 2, b = 3, c = 3 ; a = Deep (b + 5, c) ; b = Space (c) ; printf ("main: a = %d, b = %d, c= %d\n", a, b , c) ; } int Deep (int x, int y) { int z ; z = x - y ; printf ("Deep: x = %d, y = %d, z = %d\n", x, y, z) ; return (z) ; } int Space (int c) { int a, b ; a = 1 ; b = c * 2 + a ; a = b + 5 ; c = Deep (a, b) ; printf ("space: a = %d, b = %d, c = %d\n", a, b, c) ; return (b) ; }
int m = 5, n = 8; float x = 9.0; What is the value and type of the expression m + n * x ?
int i, j; for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { for (j = 0; j <= 4; j++) { if ( (i + 1 == j) || (j + i == 4) ) { printf ("+"); } else { printf ("o"); } } printf ("\n"); }
void PrintBox (int rows, int columns, char ch); This call to PrintBox, PrintBox(3, 10, '$'); should print:
$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
1/1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + . . . + 1/nThis is called a ``partial Harmonic series''. The various fractions, and the returned value should be of type double.
________ FindNet ( int hours, ________ ______ , int _______ ) { double ________ , __________ ; int ___________ ; if ( _______ > 40 _____ (!exempt ) ) { extraHours = hours - 40; grossPay = (40 * _______ ) + extraHours * (rate * _____); } else { grossPay = hours * _______ ; } if (grossPay > ________ ) { netPay = grossPay - grossPay * _______ ; } ______ { netPay = grossPay - grossPay * _______ ; } ________ ("Hours = %d and Net Pay = _______ \n", hours, netPay); ________ ( __________ ); }
________ PrintRandomPhoneNumber ( ________ seed ) { int digit1 , ________, digit3, firstThree, lastFour; /* Seed the random number generator */ _____________(seed); /* Generate the first two digits individually */ digit1 = rand( ) ______ 8 + 2; ________ = rand ( ) % ________ + ________ ; /* Generate the third digit */ ________ = rand ( ) % ________ ; /* Calculate the 3-digit integer called firstThree */ firstThree = digit1 * ________ + ________ * _______ + digit3; /* Generate a four-digit integer */ lastFour = ________( ) % ________ ; /* Print the random phone number */ _______ ("_______-_______\n", _______, ______ ); }
gpa range | student rating |
3.50 - 4.0 | Dean's list |
2.0 - 3.49 | Satisfactory |
1.0 - 1.99 | Probation |
0.0 - 0.99 | Suspended |
3d XyYzZx ABC123 __yes star*it m me_to-2 main money$
int a = 17, b; b = a; printf ("b = %d\n", b); b = b + 1; printf ("b = %d\n", b); b = a / b; printf ("b = %d\n\n\n", b);
include (stdio.h) main{} / Program execution begins here / ( people, legs integer; print ("How many people are there?/n); scanf ("%d", people); legs = people * 2 print ("There are %f legs."); [end main]
Evaluate each expression below as TRUE or FALSE.
_______ (1) c / b == 2 _______ (2) c % b <= a % b _______ (3) b + c / a != c - a _______ (4) (b < c) && (c == 7) _______ (5) (c + 1 - b == 0) || (a = 5)
printf ("We sell "); printf ("C shells\n"); printf ("by the\nsea shore\n");
printf ("%.2f", 3.859143);
printf ("%.2f", 1.3e2);
int a = 2, b = 3; b *= a; a += b++; printf ("%d %d\n", a, b);
int m = 5, n = 8; printf ("%d %d\n", m % n, n % m);
int x = 12, y = 28; printf ("%d %d\n", x / y, y / x);
void F (int x); void G (int x); main () { G (3); F (2); G (5); } void F (int x) { printf ("%d ", x); } void G (int x) { F (x + 1); printf ("%d ", x); }
int X (int m); int Y (int n); main () { int r, s; r = X (5); s = Y (10); printf ("main: %d %d\n"), r, s); } int X (int m) { printf ("X: %d\n", m); return (m + 2); } int Y (int n) { printf ("Y: %d %d\n", n, X (n)); return (n * 3); }
int a = 5, b = 4; b += a; a -= ++b; printf ("%d %d\n", a, b); a = 13; b = 4; printf ("%d %d\n", a / b, b / a); printf ("%d %d\n", a % b, b % a);
int x = 1; if (x > 3) { if (x > 4) { printf ("A"); } else { printf ("B"); } } else if (x < 2) { if (x != 0) { printf ("C"); } } printf ("D");
int n = 1234; while (n > 0) { n /= 10; printf ("%d\n", n); }
int j, k; for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) { for (k = 1; k <= j; k++) { printf ("*"); } printf ("\n"); }
int g, h; for (g = 1; g <= 3; g++) { for (h = 0; h < 3; h++) { if (g == h) { printf ("O"); } else { printf ("X"); } } printf ("\n"); }
int m; for (m = 1; m <= 5; m++) { switch (m) { case 1: printf ("one"); break; case 2: printf ("two"); break; case 3: printf ("three"); break; default: printf ("Default case"); } printf ("\n"); }
int F1 (int a, int b); int F2 (int b, int c); main() { int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; c = F1 (a, b); printf ("main: %d %d %d\n", a, b, c); b = F2 (a, c); printf ("main: %d %d %d\n", a, b, c); } int F1 (int a, int b) { printf ("F1: %d %d\n", a, b); return a; } int F2 (int b, int c) { printf ("F2: %d %d\n", b, c); return c; }
int F1 (int a, int b); int F2 (int a, int b); main() { int a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; c = F1 (a, b); printf ("%d %d %d\n", a, b, c); b = F2 (a, c); printf ("%d %d %d\n", a, b, c); a = F2 ( F1 (a, c), b); printf ("%d %d %d\n", a, b, c); b = F2 (a, c) / F1 (b, c); printf ("%d %d %d\n", a, b, F1 (a, b) ); } int F1 (int a, int b) { return (a + b + 3); } int F2 (int a, int b) { return ( (a + b) % 3 ); }