CMSC 104, Fall 2000
Homework 2
Due Dates:
Section 0201: Monday, October 2
Section 0601: Tuesday, September 26
Homework 2 will be collected at the beginning of class. Late homeworks will
NOT be accepted. Make sure that you put your name and student id on your
paper. If you have multiple sheets, staple them together.
Do each of the problems below. SHOW YOUR WORK FOR EVERY PROBLEM (NEATLY). If you do not show your work for a given problem, that problem will be marked as incorrect.
- Convert each of the following binary numbers to decimal.
a. 101110
b. 110010
c. 11100
d. 10011
- Convert each of the following decimal numbers to binary.
- Perform the following binary additions.
a. 10010 b. 1011101 c. 10111
+ 1111 + 111011 + 111
------ --------- ------
- Convert each of the following bit patterns to its hexadecimal equivalent.
a. 0001 1111 1001 0010
b. 1010 0010 0110
c. 1110 1000
d. 0101 0000 1010 0101 0001 0111
- Convert each of the following hexadecimal patterns to its equivalent bit pattern.
a. 83D7
b. CDE5
c. 0100
d. A93F
- Convert each of the following decimal numbers to hexadecimal.
- Convert each of the following hexadecimal numbers to decimal.