Research Paper

Due Date:

Monday, November 13 (at start of class)

Do NOT submit your paper electronically.

Assignment Value

This paper is worth 10% of your final course grade.


This paper is to be on a topic of interest to you in either the field of Computer Science or Information Systems. All topics must be approved by your instructor. You should submit a list of three topics, in order of preference, via e-mail to your instructor by midnight Wednesday, October 4 . Your instructor will notify you via return e-mail which of the three topics you will research. If you do not send your topic preferences to your instructor by October 4, a topic will be assigned to you.

Your paper must have a cover page and a bibliography. It is to be ten pages, double-spaced, in length. (Note that the ten page length DOES NOT include the required cover page and bibliography.) Type the paper in a 14 point font, with one-inch top, bottom, left, and right margins.

You are to cite sources for your paper using either MLA or APA style. (Information will be given out in class regarding MLA and APA style.) You must have at least five references and at least three of those references must be electronic (web pages, documents from ftp sites, articles from news groups, etc.)

Your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.


The breakdown for the grading of your research paper is as follows. Cover page = 5% Length, Font, Spacing = 5% Bibliography = 10% Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation = 10% Content = 70% Total = 100%

In order for your instructor to give your paper the attention it deserves, it will take at least three weeks for it to be returned to you. Your patience is appreciated.

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