Class Outline
CMSC 421 (Fall 2004)
This is a tentative schedule from another semester.
It is simply here to give you an idea of what topics are
usually covered. It refers to three texts - the
required text (OSC=Operating System Concepts,6th
ed.) and two optional texts (MOS = Modern
Operating Systems, APUE = Advanced Programming in
UNIX Environment). The material in the
optional texts is just that - optional. The
references are provided for those who want
additional background in these areas.
- Week 1: Introduction and
historical perspective
Readings: OSC Chap 1, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6; MOS
Chap 1
- Week 2: Process Management, IPC
& Threads
Readings: OSC Chap 3, 4, 5 ( 4.5.5, 4.6.2,
5.5, 5.6, 5.7 to be read by students)
- Week 3-4: Synchronization:
semaphores and monitors, deadlocks
Readings: OSC Chap 7 (except 7.9), 8; MOS Chap
Birrell, An Introduction to Programming with
- Week 5: Process Scheduling
Readings: OSC Chap 6; MOS Chap 2.4
- Week 6-7: Address spaces,
multiprogramming, and I/O
Readings: OSC Chap 2.3-2.5, 13, material from
Appendix A
Ritchie and Thompson, The UNIX Timesharing
- Week 8-9: Memory management,
address translation, and virtual memory
Readings: OSC Chap 9, 10
- Week 10-12: File systems &
Secondary Storage
Readings: OSC Chap 11, 12, 14; MOS Chap
- Week 13-14: Security, Protection
and Cryptography
Readings: OSC Chap 18, 19;
- Remaining time if any: Distributed
Readings: OSC Chap 15