Class Laboratory

The ITE 240 Lab may be used by students enrolled in CMSC 421 for their project work. The lab contains 24 high-end Pentium machines with 1 GB RAM, dual-processor Pentium 4 CPUs and a CD-RW drive. 

The lab sessions for this course are not required, but strongly encouraged.  This is a new addition to CMSC421 this year, and is designed for discussing the implementation issues of OSs in general, and the the projects in particular, that are typically not discussed at length during regular class time. While we cannot mandate your attendance at this lab, we think that it will be of immense help with projects. In particular, the TAs will expect that you are familiar with the material discussed in the lab when they help you with project related questions. The lab sessions will been scheduled at a time when we expect you will not have much conflicts. If there are, please let us know. The TAs will be holding regular weekly office hours in the ITE 240 Lab.

Operating Hours: TBA

Lab Usage Rules

You will be able to access the lab using your UMBC student ID swipe cards. You must observe all the rules below, regarding usage of the lab:
  1. Observe all the University and Departmental policies regarding the use of the University's and the Department's computer and laboratory facilities.
  2. No Food or Drinks Allowed in the Lab. Absolutely! Never!
  3. The machines in the lab are set up so that you can install linux on your external drive, and become root. Remember that being root on a machine gives you significant privileges. Please DO NOT use them for any hacking type activity. OIT monitors these machines, and will prosecute anyone violating UMBC AUP or federal rules.
  4. Do not log in to multiple machines, especially when there are students waiting for access to the lab.
  5. Be respectful of others working in the lab. DO NOT create disturbances (e.g. don't be noisy, don't play audible music, etc).
  6. Use the laboratory ONLY for CMSC 421 related activities, NOT for general or other coursework. There are designated OIT Labs across campus to serve this purpose.
  7. Observe the operating hours of the lab. You must leave the lab by its closing time - no excuses, no exceptions!
  8. Report offenders of lab rules to the instructional staff.
  9. Report any suspicious activity to the instructional staff or the Campus police, as appropriate.
  10. The lab is provided to you by the University for your benefit. Take good care of it! Do not abuse it!
  11. Repeated offenses might result in shutting down the laboratory for everybody.
Failure to observe all the lab rules will result in suspending your lab access, as well as further disciplinary actions as determined by Departmental and University policy.