Log into the linuxserver linux1@gl.umbc.edu.
a) What operating system does it run? What is the kernel version it
b) Is this a Batched system?
c) Is this a Multiprogrammed system?
d) Is this a Time-sharing system?
e) Is this a Multiprocessor system?
Briefly justify your answers.
What are system calls? What is their purpose? How are they handled?
(15 points)
Problem 4.6 on page 127 from your text book. (10 points)
Homework should be submited via Blackboard. Follow the link for Homework 1.
Part A of an assignment must be a PDF file. See
Creating PDF files in Unix and Windows Environments for some options to
The file should be called "hw1partA.pdf". (case is important).
For Part B you need to submit the following: source code, Makefile, README, and sample output.
Everything (Part A and Part B) needs to be submitted as a single compressed tar.gz file named "hw1.tar.gz".