Note that the Meta key shown below is typically the Alt key on most modern terminal emulators.


Meta + v

Move backward one screenful

Ctrl + l

Clear screen and redisplay everything (re-centers the screen)

Ctrl + p

Move to the previous line

Ctrl + n

Move to the next line

Ctrl + b

Move backward one character

Ctrl + f

Move forward one character

Ctrl + d

Delete one character

Ctrl + k

Kill from the cursor position to end of line

Ctrl + y

To yank the lastly killed text back

Ctrl + a

Move to the begining of the line

Ctrl + e

Move to the end of the line

Meta + k

Kill to the end of the current sentence

Meta + f

Move forward one word

Meta + b

Move backward one word

Meta + a

Move to the begining of the sentence

Meta + e

Move to the end of the sentence

Meta + <

Move to the begining of the file

Meta + >

Move to the end of the file

Meta + d

Kill the next word after the cursor

Ctrl + x , u

Undoes one command’s worth of changes

Ctrl + x , Ctrl + s

Save the file

Ctrl + x , Ctrl + w

Write to the file

Ctrl + x , Ctrl + f

Retrieve/open a file

Ctrl + u , n , Ctrl + f

Move forward ‘n’ characters (n should be a number)

Ctrl + x , Ctrl + c

Save file and exit