CMSC 341 Home Page
CMSC 341 Spring 2009
- Be sure to read the UMBC
Student Honor Code
- Latest News Please Read:
- Project 3 deadline has been extended until Sunday Night April 5th, 11:59 pm.
- Enjoy your spring breaks. The release of Project 3 will be pushed back until Friday March 20th.
- Office hours of the TAs has been updated with ITE office numbers.
Please Check the Office Hours
- Tuesday, Feb. 10 Java for C++ programmer session
will be held in SOND 202 this evening, starting at 7:00 PM.
All CS341 students may attend.
- Tuesday, Feb 17 Exam 1 review will be held in
room SOND 202 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM this evening. All 341
students may attend for some or all of this review session.
- News Archive
- Course Staff
- Office Hours
- Basic Information (Schedules, Description, Syllabus)
- Projects
- Lecture materials and
- Practice Exercises
as "homework" and to help study for exams
- Demonstrations of some
data structures
- Textbook
web page (errata, supplements, source code)
- CSHC (the Computer
Science Help Center)
- Miscellaneous Goodies
- Past
341 Sections