Proj2 Sample Output

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This is sample output from an implementation of the project.

Depending upon how you read and order tasks 1, 2, & 3, your output may vary slightly. The number of small and large jobs produced should be identical. Depending upon the your task ordering there may be slight differences in the other statistics, however statistics for your implementation should be close (less than +/- 1.0 off in either direction).

These results encompass the clarifications made to the project description regarding when the simulation is over. Meaning the simulation will end only when all jobs entered the system before or at simuTime have been served to completion (i.e., SQ is empty and all servers become idled).

Test Files

File: foo.dat

12345 4 0.4 0.1 5 50 10 120

File: bar.dat

12345 4 0.4 0.1 5 50 10 120 12345 4 0.4 0.1 5 50 2 120

Sample Output

linux1[5]% cat foo.dat 12345 4 0.4 0.1 5 50 10 120 linux1[6]% Proj2 foo.dat ======== Simulation 1 ======== --- Simulation Parameters ---- Seed: 12345 Number of Servers: 4 P1: 0.40 P2: 0.10 Small Service Time: 5 Large Service Time: 50 Switch Point: 10 Simulation Time: 120 ----- Simulation Results ----- Small Jobs Served: 52 Large Jobs Served: 6 Average Small Wait: 4.44 Average Large Wait: 5.17 Longest Wait: 18 Maximum Queue Size: 6 Average Server Idle: 41.00 linux1[7]% cat bar.dat 12345 4 0.4 0.1 5 50 10 120 12345 4 0.4 0.1 5 50 2 120 linux1[8]% Proj2 bar.dat ======== Simulation 1 ======== --- Simulation Parameters ---- Seed: 12345 Number of Servers: 4 P1: 0.40 P2: 0.10 Small Service Time: 5 Large Service Time: 50 Switch Point: 10 Simulation Time: 120 ----- Simulation Results ----- Small Jobs Served: 52 Large Jobs Served: 6 Average Small Wait: 4.44 Average Large Wait: 5.17 Longest Wait: 18 Maximum Queue Size: 6 Average Server Idle: 41.00 ======== Simulation 2 ======== --- Simulation Parameters ---- Seed: 12345 Number of Servers: 4 P1: 0.40 P2: 0.10 Small Service Time: 5 Large Service Time: 50 Switch Point: 2 Simulation Time: 120 ----- Simulation Results ----- Small Jobs Served: 52 Large Jobs Served: 6 Average Small Wait: 2.71 Average Large Wait: 7.83 Longest Wait: 26 Maximum Queue Size: 5 Average Server Idle: 33.00 linux1[9]%

Last modified on by Daniel J. Hood
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