CMSC 341 Spring 2001
Project 2
Assigned |
14 February 2001 |
Due |
28 February 2001 |
A matrix is a set of values arranged in rows and columns.
Matrices are used in many fields of mathematics including linear algebra.
In that application, the values represent the coefficients of the terms
of many simultaneous equations. In some applications, most of the
values in the matrix are zero. Such a matrix is known as a "sparse"
matrix since it has few non-zero values. Because there are few non-zero
values, programs which implement sparse matrices do not use the usual 2-dimensional
array -- to do so would be a large waste of memory. Instead, sparse
matrices are implemented with other data structures whose structure is
hidden by the implementation of the matrix operations.
In this project, you will implement a sparse matrix
class (SMatrix) using the List ADT. You will write the main program
which will be used to test your SMatrix class based on requirements and
pseudo code provided for you. You will also create an SMatrixData
class as well as iterators for the SMatrix. As discussed in class,
you will also need to use ListIterators. See the details below.
You must implement the List ADT as a sorted
linked list Code for the textbook's linked list and linked list iterator
classes is provided. You are free to use this code if you wish. You
must create your own Makefile for this project as well. Use the makefile
from project 1 and modify it as necessary.
Remember that class template files do not get compiled,
and therefore their .o files SHOULD NOT be included in the list of object
files. Any .o files for non-template classes SHOULD be listed.
The ADTs described here are expanded on in the "ADT"
section, below. Use these expanded versions to design your classes.
Please remember that you must provide good documentation as described in
the "Project
Organization" handout.
Here are your tasks:
Read and understand the List and ListIterator ADTs described in the text
and discussed in class. Code for the textbook's linked list and linked
list iterator classes is available in the public directory.
Your List must store the matrix data (described
below) in sorted order. To do so, you may choose one of the following
1. Copy the Linked List
code from the text, change the necessary methods to maintain a sorted linked
and rename the class and all related files to SortedLinkedList
2. Create a SortedLinkedList
class by using inheritance to derive SortedLinkedList from the LinkedList
class and overriding the necessary methods
Be sure that your makefile references the appropriate files.
Implement the SMatrixData ADT described below.
This class stores the 0-base row number, 0-based column number, and the
value for each non-zero element of the matrix.
Implement the SMatrix ADT described below.
This ADT must throw errors when operations are attempted on incompatible
SMatrix objects.
Implement the test program Proj2.C, based on the
pseudo code found in the file
In this program, main( ) takes three parameters -- the names of files
which contain the data from which to construct three sparse matrices.
The format of these files is specified below.
Test files are located in the directory
There are three data files in this directory. The files matrix1.dat
and matrix2.dat are both 10 X 8 matrices. This allows them
to be added together, but not multiplied together. The file matrix3.dat
is an 8 X 8 matrix. This allows it to be multipiled with either matrix1
or matrix2 and allows us to print the diagonal. Any of these
may be transposed. Feel free to construct your own data files for further
testing. NOTE: The test files supplied may not be the same ones
used to grade your project, but will have the relative dimensions as matrix1,
and matrix3 described above.
Answer the questions posed in
Copy the
to your own directory and edit it to provide your answers to the questions.
Don't forget to submit the edited file; it is 10% of this project's grade.
Modify the makefile you submitted for project 1 to be suitable for project
ADT Definitions
The following ADT must be implemented for this project.
In some instances, the implementation of the ADT is at least partially
All ADTs require the "big 4" -- default constructor,
destructor, assignment operator and copy constructor, even if there is
no code to write. All ADTs require that all data members be private.
You may add whatever private data
and methods you deem appropriate for any class.
Note that although the List ADT is implemented as
a class template, these ADTs are not templates.
The SMatrix ADT
A sparse matrix is a set of values arranged in rows
and columns, but in which the vast majority are zero. The sparse
matrix supports all the usual matrix operations. For this project,
you may assume that the sparse matrix will consist of integer values.
The operations allowed on the SMatrix ADT are:
SMatrix (int rows, int columns) which
constructs a zero-filled matrix with the specified dimensions.
int rows ( void ) const which
returns the number of rows in the matrix.
int columns (void ) const which
returns the number of columns in the matrix..
int retrieve (int row, int column) const
which returns the value located in the matrix at the specified row and
void setValue (int row, int column, int
value) which sets the specified value into the matrix at the
specified row and column.
const SMatrix operator+ (const SMatrix
&) which creates an SMatrix object that is the element-wise
of the host SMatrix and the SMatrix parameter. It is an error to
try to add two SMatrix objects that do not have the same dimensions.
const SMatrix operator * (const SMatrix
&) which performs the usual
matrix multiplication
and creates a new matrix which is the product
of the host SMatrix and the parameter. It is an error to try to multiply
two SMatrix objects unless the number of columns of the host match the
number of rows of the parameter. Note that matrix multiplication is NOT
ostream & operator << (const
SMatrix &)
Note: Your implementation must use the print idiom described in the
Weiss text on page 35 (in the Employee class). This means you must write
both the
print method of the
SMatrix class and a non-class, non-friend function.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const SMatrix &)
transpose( ) which changes the
host matrix from N rows and M columns into M rows and N columns.
To transpose a matrix, each element has its row and column interchanged.
For example, the value which is originally found at row 7, column 3 is
now found at row 3, column 7.
SMRowIter RowIter(int row )
-- creates and returns an SMRowIter which points to the first element of
the specified row.
SMColumnIter ColumnIter (int column )
-- creates and returns an SMColumnIter which points to the first element
of the specified column.
Your SMatrix class MUST be implemented using a single,
sorted LIST of SMatrixData objects (described below) and use SMatrix iterators
to traverse the matrix to perform the matrix operations defined above.
The SMatrixData ADT
Because the data for the sparse matrix is not stored
in a 2-dimensional array, the row and column information for each non-zero
value must be specified. This ADT provides accessor and mutator methods
for the row, column and value. Further, because the SMatrix keeps the non-zero
values in a sorted List, this ADT must support a comparison operator.
The operations allowed on the SMatrixData ADT are:
int row ( void ) const
and void row ( int ) -- the
accessor and mutator of the element's row.
int column ( void ) const and
column ( int ) -- the accessor and mutator of the element's
int value ( void ) const and
value ( int ) -- the accessor and mutator of the element's column.
bool operator < ( const SMatrixData
&) const -- the "less than" comparison operator.
ostream & operator<< (const
SMatrixData &)
Note: Your implementation must use the print idiom described in the
Weiss text on page 35 (in the Employee class). This means you must
write both the
print method
of the SMatrixData class and a non-class, non-friend function
ostream & operator<< (ostream &, const SMatrixData &)
The SMatrix Iterator ADTs
Iterators are used with any data structure if it is
necessary to access the individual elements of that data structure.
Even if the application does not need to access the elements directly,
it is still a good idea to use iterators within the data structure's internal
In the case of the SMatrix class, it is necessary
to access the individual elements two ways. One way is starting at (row
0, column 0), and moving along the row (across the columns) to (row 0,
column 1), (row 0, column 2), .... to (row 0, column N-1). This iterator
could be used for output (among other things). It is also necessary
to have an iterator that starts at (row 0, column 0) and moves down the
column (across the rows) to (row 1, column 0), (row 2, column 0), ... to
(row M-1, column 0). This iterator might be used in operator * (matrix
These iterators are referred to as SMRowIter
and SMColumnIter, respectively.
An SMRowIter is considered "past end" when it gets to the end of the row.
Similarly, an SMColumnIter is considered "past end" when it is at the bottom
of the column.
As iterators, these ADTs support the generic iterator methods described
in class:
bool isPastEnd ( ) const --
true if the iterator is no longer "pointing" to a meaningful SMatrixData
void advance ( ) -- move to
the "next" element in the SMatrix. If there is no "next" element,
the iterator is "past end".
const SMatrixData & retrieve ( )
-- get the SMatrixData from the element currently "pointed to". It
is an error to retrieve data from an iterator that is "past end".
A private constructor to be
used only by the SMatrix class, similar to that of the ListIter private
constructor used in the text and described in class.
Exceptions in Project 2
Since some SMatrix operations are invalid unless the
matrices are "compatible", these methods must detect this incompatibility
and throw an exception when it occurs. These exceptions are then
caught in main( ) and the appropriate action is taken. In general,
good design dictates that "low-level" code should only detect and report
errors, not act on them.
In this project, will create our own exception class(es).
The file "P2Exceptions.H" defines the BadMatrix exception class
which should be thrown when certain matrix operations are not possible
because the matrices are incompatible. You will also use "dsexceptions.h"
which defines the BadIterator exception class to be thrown when
an iterator that "is past end" is used inappropriately.
If you wish to add more exceptions in this project,
you may do so. In that case, copy the P2Exceptions.H file into your
directory and modify as you deem necessary. If you do make additions
to P2Exceptions.H, be sure to submit your version of P2Exceptions.H and
make the necessary changes to your makefile.
C++ Exceptions
C++ exceptions are used by the text in various places. Perhaps the first
use is on page 74 in the retrieve method. Since you will be seeing
exceptions throughout the course, this project will give you some easy
experience with them. The particular exceptions you will use are the BadMatrix
and BadIterator provided to you. The text defines a few other
exceptions such as Underflow, Overflow, and OutOfMemory.
You will not be using these in this project, but you will see them used
in the text.
An exception can be "thrown" at any point in a program when an exceptional
situation occurs. For example, an Overflow exception might be
thrown when a quotient has a denominator of zero. An exception is
thrown by using the syntax "throw exception". Typical code for Overflow
would be:
if (denom == 0)
throw Overflow()
= numer/denom;
When an exception is thrown, the normal flow of control is terminated
while a suitable "catcher" is sought along the calling sequence. In this
project, the SMatrix operator+ and others will throw the BadMatrix
exception if the matrices are incompatible for the operation. Iterators
also throw the BadIterator exception if used improperly when "past
SMatrix::operator+ (const SMatrix& rhs)
if (the matrices are incompatible)
throw BadMatrix
do the operation
The code in main( ) that calls operator+ is surrounded by a "try-catch"
matrix1 = matrix2 + matrix3;
catch (BadMatrix & exc)
cout << "Exception:
Incompatible Matrices for addition" << endl;
What happens is that if the call to operator+ is made on an incompatible
SMatrix, the BadMatrix exception will be thrown. The enclosing
"catch" block catches the exception and deals with it. In this case it
simply prints an error message. If the "try-catch" block were not present,
the exception would not be caught, and it would cause the program to terminate.
A skeleton version of Proj2.C is publicly available
in the directory
This file has not been compiled and
serves only as a framework for Proj2.C that you must complete it and submit.
Note that Proj2.C uses try/catch blocks around SMatrix
object methods. It expects your code to throw
error. Check out "dsexceptions.h" which is used in the textbook's
LinkedList code on how to define exception objects and how to throw
and catch them.
Sparse Matrix Data Files
Within Proj2.C, main( ) expects two command line arguments
which are the names of files that contain the sparse matrix data.
If the arguments are present, you can assume that they are valid filenames
and the data follows the format specified below. The row/column/value
triple will be randomly generated. NO ORDERING should be assumed.
First line -- an integer indicating the number of rows
Second line -- an integer indicating the number of columns
All remaining lines consist of three integers separated by whitespace and
end with a newline
The row number of the non-zero value
The column number of the non-zero value
The non-zero integer value
What to Submit
For this project, you must submit the following files:
Your makefile -- it must be named "makefile" or "Makefile". The graders
will simply type "make" and your file must compile and link all source
files as appropriate
Proj2.C -- after you have completed it by adding the missing code.
DO NOT change the #include directives
SMatrix.H and SMatrix.C -- the definition and implementation files for
the SMatrix class. Because all they are tightly related, the SMatrixRowIter,
SMatrixColumnItr and SMatrixData classes may also be defined and implemented
in these files. You may, of course, choose to implement each of these
in it's own .H and .C files.
P2Exceptions.H, only if you have added your own exception classes.
Your answers to the project
Grading and Academic Integrity
Project grading is described in the Project Policy handout.
Your answers to 341-Spring01-proj2_questions.txt are worth
10% of your project grade.
Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Please re-read the Project
Policy handout for further details on honesty in doing
projects for this course.
Remember, the due date is firm. Submittals made after midnight of the
due date will not be accepted. Do not submit any files
after that time.
Matrix Operations
For those who have not taken MATH 221 yet, or have simply
forgotten, this section gives a brief explanation of matrix addition and
Matrix Addition
Two matricies may be added if and only if they have
the same dimensions (number of rows and columns). To add the matrices,
simply add the corresponding elements of each matrix. The resulting
matrix will be the same size as the matrices added together.
Matrix Multiplication
Two matrices can be multiplied if and only if the number
of columns of the left hand matrix is the same as the number of rows of
the right hand matrix. For example, you can multiply a 3 x 4 matrix
a 4 X 2 matrix (the result is a 3 X 2 matrix), but you can't multiply
a 3 X 4 matrix with a 2 X 4 matrix.
Consider the following example which multiplies the 2 X 3 matrix on
the right with the 3 X 2 matrix on
the left, resulting in the 2 X 2 matrix at the bottom. Each element
is labelled with its row and column number.
Matrix A is 2 X 3
Matrix B is 3 X 2
a11 a12 a13
b11 b12
a21 a22 a23
b21 b22
b31 b32
The result is 2 x 2
a11*b11 + a12*b21 + a13*b31 a11*b12 + a12*b22 + a13*b32
a21*b11 + a22*b21 + a23*b31 a21*b12 + a22*b22 + a23*b32
To form the product, we multiply the elements of each of matrix A's
rows with the corresponding elements of each of matrix B's columns and
sum the product of each element-wise multiplication.