Project 1
Assigned |
Monday 29 January, 2001 |
Due |
Midnight, Wednesday 14 February 2001 |
Abstract Data Types (ADT) are a central idea of this course and of
Object-oriented programming in general. Recall that an ADT has two parts:
(1) a description of the elements that make up the type, and
(2) a description of the operations allowed on instances of the type.
The ADT idea is implemented in C++ as a class.
The ADT is one of the most powerful and important ideas in computer
science. This project will give you some exercise in using ADTs.
Another important OOP idea, parametric polymorphism, is implemented
in C++ by templates. This project will give you some practice with C++
You will given a Makefile, include headers from multiple directories,
and compile code from multiple directories. These are commonly used techniques
in industry, so they're worth learning for future reference. You will be responsible
for creating your own makefiles for all other projects.
The set is one of the most fundamental objects in all areas of
programming, computer science, and mathematics. This project gives you the
opportunity to implement a generic set class. Note that the generic set class
contains no duplicates. Trying to add an element that already exists in
in the set is not an error -- it has no effect. Sets have no order -- i.e. there is
no "largest" or "smallest" or "first" or "last" element.
You will use the
vector template class, described in appendix B of the text. Our
implementation will also require you to use the string class, also
described in appendix B.
The ADTs described in the Exercises are expanded on in the
"ADT" section, below. Use these expanded
versions to design your classes. Please remember that you must provide
good documentation as described in the
"Project Organization" handout.
Here are your tasks:
Read and understand the text description of the
vector ADT and its C++ implementation in
Appendix B. Code for vector is
available to you in the GL directory:
Read and understand the text description of the
string ADT and its C++ implementation in
Appendix B. Code for string is
available to you in the GL directory:
Implement the Set ADT as a C++ class.
Use appropriate header (.H)
and implementation (.C) files. Your
implementation must store the Set
elements in a vector (Appendix B) that
is a private data member of the
Set class. Make sure your files
are properly documented.
- Use the main function provided in the file:
Use main() as-is, no changes. Note that the main function
expects to be called with a command line argument consisting of 2
parameters. The first parameter is an integer, the number of
randomly-generated int's to be inserted into a collection of int's.
The second parameter is a filename of a file containing strings to be inserted
into a second collection. Each line of the file consists of a single string
that represents a single set element.
Note: There is no need to copy Proj1.C to your own directory.
Your makefile must access the file from the directory in which
it is provided. Do not submit Proj1.C.
Any errors on the command line (no argument, more than one argument,
argument not an integer, argument is an integer but less than or equal
to zero) are to be reported to
cerr and the program is to exit with a
failure indication.
Implement the functions getNumbElems
and getFileName.
These functions should not be defined in the same file as the main function.
Put them in a separate
file (suggested name for this file:
You must also write the guarded header file, Proj1_aux.H which contains
the prototypes for these functions and is #included in Proj1.C.
Modify the makefile. You should copy the file
and modify it as needed.
Answer the questions posed in 341-Spring01-proj1_questions.txt. Copy the file
to your own directory and edit it to provide your answers to
the questions. Don't forget to submit the edited file; it is
10% of this project's grade.
Definition of the ADT
A Set is a homogeneous collection
of Objects with no order relationship
on the objects in the set. Duplicates are not allowed. Every
Set has essentially unlimited capacity,
the number of elements it is capable of holding.
Its size, the actual number of elements it holds at a given time,
increases as elements are inserted and decreases as they are removed.
The operations allowed on a Set are:
Note that not all of these overloaded operators modify either set
argument. They must create and return a new set (think about the type
of the return value. do you want to return a Set, a Set &, or a const
Set &?
Take a look at the sample output (also found in the Project 1 directory).
Note that a set is printed as a comma-separated list of the elements
enclosed by curly brackets. Observe carefully that there is no comma
after the last element. An empty set is presented simply as a pair of
angle brackets.
Main Function Definition
The file containing the main function is on the GL machine:
Remember, there is no need for you to copy this to your own
directory. Use the main function as is; no changes, please.
Sample Output
Sample output is available for your study at
It was obtained by executing
on linux1 with a command-line argument
of 5 stringset1.txt. To understand it, you
should read it along with the main function.
A copy of stringset1.txt is available. Note that
this may not be the same file used to test your project.
A copy of the executable is available for you to try out. It is
Files To Be Submitted
You should submit only the files you have written, a makefile, and the
file containing your answers to the questions. The files to be
submitted are:
- Implementation of the Set class files
- Auxiliary file(s). The getNumbElems
and getFileName. Including Proj1_aux.H
functions should be defined in these files.
- your makefile.
- 341-Spring01-proj1_questions.txt -
containing your answers to the questions.
Please do not submit any of the files provided to you such as
Submit the files using the procedure given to you for your section of
the course.
If your makefile is set up correctly, you should be able
to excute the command make submit.
Grading and Academic Integrity
Project grading is described in the
Project Policy handout.
Your answers to
341-Spring01-proj1_questions.txt are worth
10% of your project grade.
Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Please re-read the
Project Policy handout for further details on honesty in doing
projects for this course.
Remember, the due date is firm. Submittals made after midnight of
the due date will not be accepted. Do not submit any files after that