Assigned | Wednesday August 28, 2002 |
Due | anytime |
Your task is to submit a small project with a makefile. After submitting it, you will run submitmake and submitrun. If you can do all this, relax. If you can't do it, please email your instructor from your gl account. Describe what went wrong. Include any error messages that were displayed.
Here are your tasks:
#include <iostream> main() { cout << "Hello World" << endl; }
dummy: /usr/local/bin/g++ -ansi -Wall -o Proj0 HelloWorld.C
submit cs341 Proj0 HelloWorld.C Makefile
You should get a friendly message stating that the files were
submitted ok.
submitls cs341 Proj0
You should see a listing of the directory showing the two files you
/afs/ cs341 Proj0You should get a simple report from the make utility.
/afs/ cs341 Proj0You should see the output from the HelloWorld program.