CMSC 341 Data Structures Fall 2002
Sections 0201 and 0301
Final Exam
Section 0201 - Tuesday, 12/17 8:30 - 10:30 PM
Section 0301 - Thursday, 12/12 6:00 - 8:00 PM
You are expected to take the exam according to the section you
are registered in. You may not change your scheduled exam time.
Instructor: Mitch Edelman
Meeting Times:
Section 0301 meets 5:30 - 6:45 Tu Th
Section 0201 meets 7:00 - 8:15 Tu Th
Both sections meet in SS 208
Course Description
The principle objective of the course is to help you learn to design
and analyze a wide range of data structures.
We will explore their implementations in C++, and so a second
objective for this course is that you continue to develop proficiency
in program design and implementation.
The course covers data structures and associated algorithms. Relationships
among data structures, their utility in various situations, and factors
affecting their performance in algorithms will be considered. You will
learn to analyze the time and space complexity of algorithms, how to
choose appropriate data structures, and how to integrate data structures
into algorithms.
Required: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 2nd
Edition, by Mark Alan Weiss, Addison-Wesley
- Your favorite C++ reference book -- here are some of mine
- The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition by Bjarne Stroustroup
(He's the guy who invented the language)
Addison-Wesley, 2000, ISBN 0-201-70073-5
- C++ Primer, Third Edition by Stanely B. Lippman, Josee
Addison-Wesley, 1998, ISBN 0-201-82470-1
- C++ FAQs, Second Edition by Marshall Cline, Greg Lomow,
Mike Girou
Addison-Wesley, 1999, ISBN 0-201-30983-1
- Effective C++ Second Edition by Scott Meyers
- More Effective C++ by Scott Meyers
- Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel.
This book is available in its entirety on the web at
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis by Clifford Shaffer,
Prentice-Hall, 1996. This book has good coverage of data structures and algorithm
analysis in C++. It has excellent descriptions of a number of data structures.
- Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in C++ by Sartaj
Sahni, McGraw-Hill, 1998. Covers some material not covered by the Heileman
- Data Structures and Algorithms by Alfred Aho, John Hopcroft,
and Jeffrey Ullman, Addison-Wesley, 1983. This is one of the all-time classics,
written in Pascal.
- Fundamentals of Data Structures by Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni,
and Dinesh Mehta, 1995. Another classic. In C++.
- Abstract Data Types by Nell Dale and Henry Walker, D.C. Heath
and Company, 1996. A high-level view of data structures and algorithms,
with no programming language specified. A very worthwhile and modern text
with an alternative viewpoint.
We will assume that you have mastered the material from
CMSC 201,
CMSC 202,
and CMSC
including mastery of the C++ language. We will not review material that
has been covered in the prerequisite courses. We do cover a few of the data
structures from CMSC 202, but from a deeper point-of-view. A few advanced
C++ topics such as templates and exceptions will be reviewed.
Your grade for this course will be based upon 5 projects, 2 in-class exams
and the final exam. The projects are worth 40% of your grade, each project
weighted equally. Each in-class exam is worth 20 percentage points; the final
is worth 20 points. Note that the due dates for the projects and the dates
of the exams are already set (q.v., the syllabus and project policy
handout). Course policy is for there to be no makeup exams. Please plan your
schedules accordingly.
Your final letter grade is based on the standard formula:
0 <= F < 60, 60 <= D < 70, 70 <= C < 80, 80
<= B < 90, 90 <= A <= 100
These levels may be adjusted slightly in your favor, but grades will not
be curved in the conventional sense.
Your grade is given for timely work done during the semester; incomplete
grades will only be given for medical illness or other such dire
Attendance and Readings
You are expected to attend all lectures, and for the section in which
you are enrolled. You are responsible for all material covered in the
lecture, even if it is not in the textbook. You should keep up with the
assigned readings during the semester. Some reading material will be
distributed through the course web page. You are responsible for the
material in the readings, even if it is not covered during lecture.
You must study to do well in this course. It will not be enough to attend
lectures and do the homework. As advanced undergraduates, you will be
responsible for learning material that is not covered in lectures. A prime
learning requirement is that you contribute to class discussions and raise
questions about the course material. I reserve the right to give
unannounced pop quizzes.
Help Sessions
Help sessions are held throughout the semester from 8:30PM - 9:30PM every
Thursday in room SS-003 and from 11:00AM-12:00PM every Friday in room
ACIV-014. Help session topics include Unix, makefiles, compiling
with g++, good coding practices and C++ topics such as working with
templates, exceptions and class design. Projects and exam
review questions will also be discussed. Students are
encouraged to suggest help session topics.
Contacting Me or the TAs
Please feel free to visit me or the TAs during our office hours. It is
difficult for me to get to campus during normal work hours, so please
feel free to contact any other of the professors (likewise, their students
are welcome to visit during my office hours). If you can't make it during
my regular hours, please ask for an appointment. We will do everything we
can to be available to provide help with this course.
Office hours, phone numbers and other
contact information
is available on-line. If you need to contact any of the course staff outside
of lecture and office hours, email is much better than the telephone. You
should, however, observe the following etiquette:
- If you want me or the TA to help you debug your code,
submit it in the usual way, and then send email
about the problem. We will look at the submitted code. Please, do NOT
mail code to me or to the TA!
- Note that the Help Center does not offer help with code for this
- Please use your real name. Email from "Pleasure Machine" or
"Phantasy Phreak" gets filtered out along with the other 60 or so messages
that spam me daily, so using your AOL account is certain to get scrubbed.
Besides, when you get that great-paying job because you know data structures
so well, will you want to send mail to your boss from the "Hormone Factory"?
Your mail will look much more professional if you use your real name.
- Include a meaningful subject line, something like "CMSC 341 Project
2 question."
Academic Integrity
I am pretty tolerant of diverse views on almost everything; you can
get away with a great deal of informality, joking around, and general
goofiness in my sections, but when it comes to cheating, you had better
play it very straight.
Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Instances of cheating will
be reported to the UMBC Academic Conduct Committee. These reports are filed
by the Committee and can be used for disciplinary action such as a permanent
record on your transcript. Academic honesty is absolutely required of you.
You are expected to be honest yourself and to report any cases of dishonesty
you see among other students in this class. Reports of dishonest behavior
will be kept anonymous.
The Naval Academy has a simple honor code: "I will not engage academic
dishonety or tolerate it by anyone around me". I recommend you adopt that
for your personal use here.
Further details on honesty in doing projects for this course are on-line
at the Project Policy
Students are welcome and encouraged to study together for exams, but
examinations are to be your own work -- not your neighbor's and not your
notes. All exams are closed-book, closed-notes. Only pencils (or pens) and
erasers are permitted in the exam room unless otherwise indicated. If
you need the security of a calculator, you may have one of them, too, but
unless you are a candidate for remedial arithmetic, you probably will not
need one of them. Scratch paper is provided to you, as needed. Having any
other materials in your possession during an exam will be taken as evidence
of cheating and dealt with accordingly.
Additional Power Point Slides
Top Down Splay Trees
Exam Preview
For those of you interested in such things, last semester's exam
review questions are still online, and well, let's be honest: splay trees
just haven't changed all that much in the past six months.
Last Semester's
Review Questions
Class |
Thu 29 Aug
Project 1 Assigned
Thu 29 Aug
Introduction and C++
Tue 3 Sep |
C++ and OOP
3 |
Thu 5 Sep |
Asymptotic Analysis |
MAW 2 |
4 |
Tue 10 Sep |
List ADT and Implementations |
MAW 3 |
5 |
Thu 12 Sep
| List Implementations |
MAW 3 |
6 |
Tue 17 Sep |
Stacks, Queues and Deques |
MAW 3 |
WEd 18 Sep |
Project 1 Due
Project 2 Assigned
7 |
Thu 19 Sep
Stacks, Queues and Deques |
MAW 3 |
8 |
Tue 24 Sep |
Binary Search Trees |
MAW 4 |
9 |
Thu 26 Sep |
Binary Search Trees |
MAW 4 |
10 |
Tue 1 Oct |
Balanced Search Trees
MAW 4 |
Wed 2 Oct |
Project 2 Due at 11:59pm
Thu 3 Oct |
Balanced Search Trees
12 |
Tue 8 Oct |
Exam 1
Classes 1 thru 9
Wed 9 Oct
Project 3 Assigned
13 |
Thu 10 Oct |
Balances Search Trees |
MAW 4 |
14 |
Tue 15 Oct |
Balanced Search Trees |
MAW 4 |
15 |
Thu 17 Oct |
| MAW 5 |
Tue 22 Oct |
Wed 23 Oct |
Project 3 Due at 11:59pm
17 |
Thu 24 Oct |
Priority Queues and Heaps |
MAW 6 |
18 |
Tue 29 Oct |
Priority Queues and Heaps |
MAW 6 |
19 |
Thu 31 Oct |
Skip Lists |
MAW 10 + Notes |
Tue 5 Nov |
Exam 2
Classes 10 - 18
Wed 6 Nov
Project 4 Assigned
21 |
Thu 7 Nov |
Skip Lists |
MAW 10 + notes |
22 |
Tu 12 Nov |
Graphs |
MAW 9 |
23 |
Thu 14 Nov |
| MAW 9 |
24 |
Tue 19 Nov |
MAW 9 |
Wed 20 Nov |
Project 4 Due 11:59pm
Project 5 Assigned
25 |
Thu 21 Nov |
Disjoint Sets |
MAW 8 |
26 |
Tue 26 Nov |
Disjoint Sets |
MAW 8 |
Thursday, November 28 |
(Enjoy!) |
27 |
Tue 3 Dec |
B - Trees |
MAW 4 + notes |
Wed 4 Dec
Project 5 Due 11:59pm
28 |
Thu 5 Dec |
B - Trees |
MAW 4 + notes |
Tue 10 Dec
Advanced Topics
Sometime between Dec 12th and 18th
Final Exam
- Dates and topics are subject to change as required by class progress
- MAW = Weiss text "Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis
in C++"
Course Web Page
A few handouts will be provided in paper form at the first class. After
that, all handouts will be provided only on the web. The course web page URL
Please check the web page frequently. Any changes to the page will be
mentioned in the "What's New" link.
Last modified on Wednesday, November 27 2002 by Mitch Edelman
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