Project 4

Assigned  29 March 1999            Due  19 April 1999


Section 9.3 of the Heileman text describes a binary heap data structure called HeapPQ. This is a "min-heap" in which at every vertex the children are no smaller than the parent. A "max-heap" would be one in which at every vertex, the children are no larger than the parent.

The only implementation difference between a min-heap and a max-heap is the direction of the comparisons made between elements. Why not design a binary heap data structure that can be made a min-heap or a max-heap at construction time? Why not, indeed! You'll do that in this project. Of course, if the heap can be either a min-heap or a max-heap, it no longer makes sense to have operations such as FindMin and DeleteMin; these will become just Find and Delete.

We also recognize that there is an opportunity for future extension of the heap to allow leftist heaps, binomial heaps, and other kinds of heaps as well as binary heaps. We therefore design our classes to allow polymorphism and dynamic binding at some future time (not in this project). Our binary heap class is to be called BinaryHeap and it is to be derived from the abstract class Heap. Definitions of Heap and BinaryHeap are given below. The Heap definition is complete, but you must complete the BinaryHeap definition.

One more thing. We want to be able to draw a picture of the heap. We don't need a fancy picture, just something that lets us see the tree structure. You will develop a simple drawing function in this project.

You are free to use your own designs for any classes in this project. The only restriction is that you must use the Heap class as the base class for BinaryHeap. You must also use the main function given below. Of course, you may name your files anything you wish with the two restrictions that the executable must be named Proj4 and there must be a makefile named either makefile or Makefile. Lots of freedom here, so design carefully.


Start with the HeapPQ class in the text and develop your classes Heap and BinaryHeap. Write a function that draws a picture of a given BinaryHeap of char. Some hints on how to write a DrawHeap function are given below.

Summary of Tasks

Here are your tasks:
  1. Write the abstract Heap class. There's not much to do, just finish some documentation, guard the header file, implement the IsEmpty() and ~Heap() methods, and write the non-member function
    template <class T>
    ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Heap<T> & heap);
  2. Write the BinaryHeap class as a sub-class of Heap. Although some of the definition has been provided, you must complete it and implement the methods.
  3. Write the DrawHeap function. You should define this function in an "auxiliary" file such as Proj4Aux.C.
  4. Write the function
    void HandleCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[], char heap_type[], char ** arr);
    for use with the main function. This function prints a usage message to cerr and exits if the command line is incorrect. If the command line is OK, the heap_type and arr parameters have the appropriate values upon return. For the meaning of the parameters, study the call in the main function. In order to keep the Proj4.C file small, you should define HandleCommandLine in your auxiliary file.
  5. Test your code with a number of inputs.
  6. Remember, the name of your executable must be Proj4. Also, make sure your code meets the usual style guidelines in the Project Organization handout.


Project grading is described on the Project Policy page.

Academic Integrity

Please re-read the Project Policy page for details on honesty in doing projects for this course.

Definition of Heap

   Abstract heap.  May be a min-heap or a max-heap as determined
   by derived concrete classes.
template <class T>
class Heap
  // Constants for determining if min-heap or max-heap
  static const int MIN = 1;
  static const int MAX = 2;

  virtual ~Heap();

  // Sifts up the element at index i in this heap
  virtual void SiftUp(int index) = 0;

  // Sifts down the element at index i in this heap
  virtual void SiftDown(int index) = 0;

  // Adds element x to this heap.
  // Return: true if insertion succeeds, false otherwise.
  virtual bool Insert(const T& x) = 0;

  // Returns the element with top priority in this heap.
  // It is an error to attempt this operation on an empty heap.
  virtual T& Find() = 0;

  // Deletes the element with top priority in this heap.
  // Return: true if deletion succeeds, false otherwise.  Deletion
  // from an empty heap returns false.
  virtual bool Delete() = 0;

  // Accessor for the size of this heap.
  // Return: the number of elements on this heap.
  virtual int GetSize() const = 0;

  // Test for this heap being empty.
  // Return: true if this heap is empty, false otherwise.
  bool IsEmpty() const;

  // Makes this heap be empty
  virtual void MakeEmpty() = 0;

  // A string describing the heap.  For example, the string
  // describing a BinaryHeap in which the top element has highest
  // priority would be "BinaryMaxHeap."  A BinaryHeap in which 
  // the top element has lowest priority would be "BinaryMinHeap."
  // Return: a string description
  virtual char * ToString() = 0;

  // Accessor for an iterator over this heap.  The iterator outputs
  // the heap elements in an order suitable for the type of heap.
  // Return: ptr to the Iterator.
  // Note: dynamically allocated.  User is responsible for
  // storage deallocation.
  virtual Iterator<T> * GetIterator() = 0;

Partial Definition of BinaryHeap

This is a partial definition of BinaryHeap. You are free to modify it in any reasonable way. It must be derived from Heap and must be a concrete class.

Note the use of a function pointer data member Compare. Remember that the only real difference between a min-heap and a max-heap is the direction of the comparisons. Set the Compare function pointer appropriately at construction time, and use it to do comparisons. Your code will be neat and clean and will work for both min heaps and max heaps. You will be graded on how nicely you implement your class. No messy spaghetti code, please. Of course, if you have a different, equally slick way of doing this, feel free to use it. Just be sure your approach is clean and elegant.

 A binary heap.  Constructor(s) determine if it is a min-heap or 
a max-heap. The heap is implicit (stored in  an array rather than 
as an explicit tree.
template <class T>
class BinaryHeap : public Heap<T>
  ArrayList<T> _elements;
  int _heaptype;  // either Heap::MIN and Heap::MAX
  bool (* Compare)(const T&, const T&);  // comparison function
  // Converts _elements into a binary heap.
  void Heapify();

  // Sifts up the element at index i in this heap
  virtual void SiftUp(int index);

  // Sifts down the element at index i in this heap
  virtual void SiftDown(int index);
  // Constructor for min-heap.
  // Optional param: type should be "Min" or "Max".  If missing, or
  // if something other than "Min" or "Max", defaults to "Min"
  BinaryHeap(const char * type = "Min");

  // Construct binary heap using data from initvals.  Length of
  // initvals array is init_len.
  // The actual length of initvals must be initlen - run time 
  // errors may result if it's not.
  // Param: type should be "Min" or "Max".  If something else, heap
  // defaults to min-heap
  // Param: initvals is an array of initial values of length initlen
  // Param: initlen ist the length of initvals
  BinaryHeap(const char * type, T * initvals, int initlen);

  // Copy constructor.
  BinaryHeap(BinaryHeap<T> & bh);

  // Destructor.
  virtual ~BinaryHeap();


  // Accessor for an iterator over this heap.  Outputs the
  // heap elements in level order.
  // Return: ptr to the Iterator.
  // Note: dynamically allocated.  User is responsible for
  // storage deallocation.
  virtual Iterator<T> * GetIterator();

Definition of the main Function

You must use this function without changes.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char heap_type[3];  // "Min" or "Max"
  char * arr;  // string of initial chars from command-line

  HandleCommandLine(argc, argv, heap_type, &arr);

  BinaryHeap<char> heap(heap_type, arr, strlen(arr));

  cout << "Heap is a " << heap.ToString() << endl;
  cout << "Heap = " << heap << endl;
  cout << "Heap Size is " << heap.GetSize() << endl;
  cout << endl;

  cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
  cout << "Heap = " << endl;
  DrawHeap(cout, heap);
  cout << "Top Value = " << heap.Find() << endl;

  int len = heap.GetSize();
  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
      cout << "-----------------------" << endl;
      cout << "After Delete operation, Heap = ";
      if (heap.IsEmpty() == false)
	  cout << endl;
	  DrawHeap(cout, heap);
	  cout << "Top Value = " << heap.Find() << endl;
	  cout << "empty" << endl;

Sample Output

Here is a very simple example to show the expected format of the output. You should develop and use your own test cases. There are two command line arguments
  1. either Min or Max. This is used to determine whether the heap will be a min-heap or a max-heap.
  2. a string of characters that will be used to initialize the heap.
umbc9: Proj4 Min FRKBWHNDV

Heap is a BinaryMinHeap
Heap = B,D,H,F,W,K,N,R,V
Heap Size is 9

Heap = 
    D   H 
  F  W K N
 R V      
Top Value = B
After Delete operation, Heap = 
   F   H 
  R W K N
Top Value = D
After Delete operation, Heap = 
  R   H 
 V W K N
Top Value = F
After Delete operation, Heap = 
  R   K
 V W N 
Top Value = H
After Delete operation, Heap = 
  R  N
 V W  
Top Value = K
After Delete operation, Heap = 
  R W
Top Value = N
After Delete operation, Heap = 
 V W
Top Value = R
After Delete operation, Heap = 
Top Value = V
After Delete operation, Heap = 
Top Value = W
After Delete operation, Heap = empty

Hint for Drawing Binary Heaps

Although a binary heap is stored in an ordinary array, we think of it as being a complete binary tree. In this project, the elements stored in the heap are single characters. That makes drawing the tree a lot easier than if the elements did not have a fixed width.

To draw the tree, we need to know where to place the elements vertically and horizontally; we need to know the x and y coordinates of each element. We think of the origin of the coordinate system at the upper left. This figure shows a complete binary tree with the vertices numbered in level order.

For any binary tree, complete or not, the x-coordinates of the elements are given by the in-order traversal sequence. For the complete binary tree shown, the in-order sequence is 8,4,9,2,5,1,6,3,7. This is the sequence you get if you read the tree from left-to-right, ignoring the levels.

For a complete binary tree, the y-coordinates are the levels of the elements, equal to the floor of the base-2 log of the element number. For example, element 1 has (x,y)-coordinates (6,0). It occurs 6th in the inorder sequence and lg(1) is zero. As another example, element 6 is at (7,2) because it occurs 7th in the inorder sequence and the floor of lg(6) is 2.

Therefore, given just the number of elements in any complete binary tree, you can generate the x,y positions for each element.

In this project, you are writing a very simple drawing function. It is just an old-fashioned text-based function that does not require a graphics device. Each line (i.e., level) is composed as a string and printed, starting from level 0.