Project 2

Assigned   15 February 1999            Due   8 March 1999


The Heileman text, Chapter 5, defines a List ADT and provides two different implementations:
  1. An array-based implementation called DynList. The array size changes dynamically as element insertions or deletions are done. The array is a built-in C++ array, not an instance of the Array class.
  2. A linked implementation called SlList. This list uses singly-linked nodes and is circular.

Additionally, the text defines iterators for each list type. These iterators are used to implement some of the List ADT operations.

The text does not define a List class and does not set up a relationship between DynList and SlList. The text also does not define an Iterator class and does not set up a relationship between DynListIterator and SlListIterator. It is therefore not possible to write polymorphic programs involving lists and iterators.

In this project, you will correct those deficiencies. This will give you first-hand experience with coding to interfaces. You will see some of the power of dynamic binding and polymorphism. You will get to work in the details of list data structures. Finally, you will write your own iterators and see how the fabulous OOP idea of using iterators works out in practice.

There are three abstract classes (interfaces) in this project. The definitions of the ADTs for these classes are given below.

  1. List the interface for all lists.
  2. Iterator the interface for all iterators.
  3. ListIterator the interface for all list iterators.

You are to write the following six concrete classes:

  1. Array. This is the very same class you defined in Project 1. You should be able to use it as-is.
  2. ArrayList. This is very similar to DynList but uses an Array rather than an ordinary array. ArrayList is derived from List and uses an aggregated Array in its implementation.
  3. DlNode. This is very similar to SlNode except that DlNode is doubly-linked. DlNode is used by LinkedList.
  4. LinkedList. This is very similar to SlList, but uses a doubly-linked node rather than a singly-linked node. Like SlList, this list is circular. LinkedList is derived from List.
  5. ArrayListIterator. This is the class of Iterator created by ArrayLists. It is derived from Iterator and is specialized to work with ArrayLists.
  6. LinkedListIterator. This is the class of Iterator created by LinkedLists. It is derived from Iterator and is specialized to work with LinkedLists.

There is one concrete class IteratorConstants that contains static constants for use with iterators. This class is fully defined, you don't have to make any changes. Since the constants are static members of the class, they can be referred to directly, without instantiating an object. For example, to refer to the FORWARD constant, use the expression IteratorConstants::FORWARD.

Take a look at the class diagram for these classes. The abstract classes are indicated by boxes with rounded corners. The concrete classes have square corners.

ArrayList and LinkedList are subclasses of List; we say that each "is-A" List.

List creates an Iterator and Iterator uses a List. Since both List and Iterator are abstract, this statement really means that every instance of a concrete subclass of List creates an instance of a concrete subclass of Iterator, and the concrete instance of Iterator uses the concrete instance of List. For example, ArrayList creates an ArrayListIterator. The iterator that the list creates uses the list that created it.

ArrayList has an Array (an example of aggregation or composition). The Array is created internally by ArrayList when the list is constructed.

LinkedList has a DlNode (again, an example of aggregation or composition). The DlNode is created internally by LinkedList when the list is constructed.

ListIterator is an Iterator specialized for use with lists. It is an abstract subclass because it does not implement all the methods of the superclass. It does not implement the next() method since its definition differs for ArrayListIterator and LinkedListIterator.

The two concrete iterators are specialized for use with their appropriate lists.

Class Diagram


You are to define each of the classes described. As usual, each class is defined in a .H file and implemented in a corresponding .C file.

You are then to exercise your classes by running the specified main function. Sample output from the main function is provided below. Try your program with a variety of command line arguments including with LinkedList and with ArrayList. Test it with invalid arguments.

Summary of Tasks

Here are your tasks:
  1. Copy IteratorConstants.H to your directory. No changes are necessary in this file.
  2. Copy the main function to your Proj2.C file. You will have to document it and include the appropriate header files.
  3. Define the getCommandLine(int,char*[],int*,int*,List**) function in your Proj2.C file.
  4. Document and complete each of the files List.H, Iterator.H, ListIterator.H, Array.H, ArrayList.H, DlNode.H, LinkedList.H, ArrayListIterator.H, and LinkedListIterator.H.
  5. Define (in the appropriate implementation file) each of the classes List, Iterator, ListIterator, Array, ArrayList, DlNode, LinkedList, ArrayListIterator, and LinkedListIterator.


Project grading is described in the Project Policy handout.

Academic Integrity

Please re-read the Project Policy handout for details on honesty in doing projects for this course.

Sample Output

This is the output obtained by executing the program with the given command line arguments on umbc9
umbc9: Proj2 3 5 LinkedList

------- Using LinkedList -------

-- Insert (at index 1) 3 elements, starting with 5 --
length = 3
-- Clear the list --
length = 0
-- Insert (in-order) 3 elements, starting with 5 --
length = 3
-- Clear the list --
length = 0
-- Append 3 elements, starting with 5 --
length = 3
-- Use multiple iterators simultaneously --
12 12 12 
-- Output directly from reverse iterator --
Repeatedly delete 1st element, even on empty list